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U.S. State Codes
Title 13 - Juvenile Courts ...
Chapter 13.34 - Juvenile Court Act—Dependency a...
Chapter 13.34 - Juvenile Court Act—Dependency and Termination of Parent-Child Relationship.
13.34.010 Short title.
13.34.020 Legislative declaration of family unit as resource to be nurtured—Rights of child.
13.34.025 Child dependency cases—Coordination of services—Remedial services.
13.34.030 Definitions.
13.34.035 Standard court forms—Rules—Administrative office of the courts to develop and establish—Failure to use or follow—Distribution.
13.34.040 Petition to court to deal with dependent child—Application of federal Indian child welfare act.
13.34.045 Educational liaison—Identification.
13.34.046 Educational liaison—Responsibilities—Background checks.
13.34.050 Court order to take child into custody, when—Hearing.
13.34.055 Custody by law enforcement officer—Release from liability.
13.34.060 Shelter care—Placement—Custody—Duties of parties.
13.34.062 Shelter care—Notice of custody and rights.
13.34.065 Shelter care—Hearing—Recommendation as to further need—Release.
13.34.067 Shelter care—Case conference—Service agreement.
13.34.069 Shelter care—Order and authorization of health care and education records.
13.34.070 Summons when petition filed—Service procedure—Hearing, when—Contempt upon failure to appear—Required notice regarding Indian children.
13.34.080 Summons when petition filed—Publication of notice.
13.34.090 Rights under chapter proceedings.
13.34.092 Rights under chapter proceedings—Appointment of counsel—Notice.
13.34.094 Description of services provided to parents.
13.34.096 Right to be heard—Notice.
13.34.100 Appointment of guardian ad litem—Background information—Rights—Notification and inquiry—Appointment of attorney for child—Review and removal.
13.34.102 Guardian ad litem—Training—Registry—Selection—Substitution—Exception.
13.34.105 Guardian ad litem—Duties—Immunity—Access to information.
13.34.107 Guardian ad litem—Ex parte communications—Removal.
13.34.108 Guardian ad litem—Fees.
13.34.110 Hearings—Fact-finding and disposition—Time and place, notice.
13.34.115 Hearings—Public excluded when in the best interests of the child—Notes and records—Video recordings.
13.34.120 Social study and reports made available at disposition hearing—Contents—Notice to parents.
13.34.125 Voluntary adoption plan—Consideration of preferences for proposed placement.
13.34.130 Order of disposition for a dependent child, alternatives—Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship—Placement with relatives, foster family home, group care facility, or other suitable persons—Placement of an Indian child in out-of-home care—Contact with siblings.
13.34.132 Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship—Requirements.
13.34.134 Permanent placement of child.
13.34.136 Permanency plan of care.
13.34.138 Review hearings—Findings—Duties of parties involved—In-home placement requirements—Housing assistance.
13.34.141 Entry, order of disposition—Parent, guardian, or custodian of child to engage in services and maintain contact with child—Notice.
13.34.142 Current placement episode—Calculation.
13.34.145 Permanency planning hearing—Purpose—Time limits—Goals—Review hearing—Petition for termination of parental rights—Guardianship petition—Agency responsibility to provide services to parents—Due process rights.
13.34.147 Case review panel—Creation—Duties.
13.34.150 Modification of orders.
13.34.155 Concurrent jurisdiction over nonparental actions for child custody—Establishment or modification of parenting plan.
13.34.160 Order of support for dependent child.
13.34.161 Order of support for dependent child—Noncompliance—Enforcement of judgment.
13.34.165 Civil contempt—Grounds—Motion—Penalty—Detention review hearing.
13.34.174 Order of alcohol or substance abuse diagnostic investigation and evaluation—Treatment plan—Breach of plan—Reports.
13.34.176 Violation of alcohol or substance abuse treatment conditions—Hearing—Notice—Modification of order.
13.34.180 Order terminating parent and child relationship—Petition—Filing—Allegations.
13.34.190 Order terminating parent and child relationship—Findings.
13.34.200 Order terminating parent and child relationship—Rights of parties when granted.
13.34.210 Order terminating parent and child relationship—Custody where no one has parental rights.
13.34.215 Petition reinstating terminated parental rights—Notice—Achievement of permanency plan—Effect of granting the petition—Hearing—Child support liability—Retroactive application—Limitation on liability.
13.34.232 Guardianship for dependent child—Order, contents—Rights and duties of dependency guardian.
13.34.233 Guardianship for dependent child—Modification or termination of order—Hearing—Termination of guardianship.
13.34.234 Guardianship for dependent child—Dependency guardianship subsidies.
13.34.235 Guardianship for dependent child—Review hearing requirements not applicable—Exception.
13.34.237 Guardianship for dependent child—Subject to dependency and termination of parent-child relationship provisions—Exceptions—Request to convert dependency guardianship to guardianship—Dismissal of dependency.
13.34.240 Acts, records, and proceedings of Indian tribe or band given full faith and credit.
13.34.245 Voluntary consent to foster care placement for Indian child—Validation—Withdrawal of consent—Termination.
13.34.260 Foster home placement—Parental preferences—Foster parent contact with birth parents encouraged.
13.34.265 Foster home placement—Considerations.
13.34.267 Extended foster care services—Maintenance of dependency proceeding—Placement, care of youth—Appointment of counsel—Case plan.
13.34.268 Extended foster care services—Voluntary placement agreement—Decline—Petition for dependency.
13.34.270 Child with developmental disability—Out-of-home placement—Permanency planning hearing.
13.34.300 Relevance of failure to cause juvenile to attend school to neglect petition.
13.34.315 Health care—Evaluation and treatment.
13.34.320 Inpatient mental health treatment—When parental consent required—Hearing.
13.34.330 Inpatient mental health treatment—Placement.
13.34.340 Release of records—Disclosure to treating physician.
13.34.350 Dependent children—Information sharing—Guidelines.
13.34.360 Transfer of newborn to qualified person—Criminal liability—Notification to child protective services—Definitions.
13.34.370 Evaluation of parties—Selection of evaluators.
13.34.380 Visitation policies and protocols—Development—Elements.
13.34.385 Petition for visitation—Relatives of dependent children—Notice—Modification of order—Effect of granting the petition—Retroactive application.
13.34.390 Comprehensive services for drug-affected and alcohol-affected mothers and infants.
13.34.400 Child welfare proceedings—Placement—Documentation.
13.34.410 Psychosexual evaluation.
13.34.420 Qualified residential treatment program—Requirements.
13.34.425 Qualified residential treatment program—Placement—Hearing.
13.34.430 Social study—Required information.
13.34.800 Drug-affected and alcohol-affected infants—Model project.
13.34.801 Rules—Definition of "drug-affected infant."
13.34.802 Rules—Definition of "alcohol-affected infant."
13.34.820 Permanency for dependent children—Annual report.
13.34.830 Child protection and child welfare—Racial disproportionality—Evaluation—Report.
13.34.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.
13.34.901 Construction—Prevention services.