Executive Order No. 29-22
(No. 7-91)
[Transfer of Certain Land in Town of Alburg from Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife
WHEREAS, it appears that certain land hereinafter described and located in the Town of Alburg, County of Grand Isle, State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation, is no longer necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of enhancing already existing recreational facilities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of Vermont do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Transportation to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife for the aforesaid purpose the following described land, to wit:
Beginning at a point in U.S Route 2, 44.0 more or less left of and at right angles to the established centerline at approximate survey station 77 + 00, as shown on Project BRF 028-1(11) Fishing Access Plan; thence easterly and parallel to said center line 675 more or less to a point, said point being 44.0 left of and at right angles to approximate survey station 83 + 75 of said Project. Meaning to transfer all of the lands lying north of the above described line consisting of the Fishing Access Area as it presently exists and encompassing 1.77 acres, more or less. A plat depicting the above described parcel is attached hereto and made a part thereof.
Being part of the land and premises conveyed to the State of Vermont by Quit-Claim Deed from the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission on September 16, 1987, and recorded in the Town of Alburg Land Records on November 13, 1987 in Book 57, Pages 137-140.
This Executive Order takes effect upon signing.
Dated June 7, 1991.