§ 5708 District powers

24 V.S.A. § 5708 (N/A)
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§ 5708. District powers

A district created under this chapter has the power to:

(1) exercise independently and in concert with other municipalities any other powers which are necessary or desirable for the installation, ownership, operation, maintenance, and disposition of infrastructure promoting economic development in rural areas and matters of mutual concern and that are exercised or are capable of exercise by any of its members;

(2) enter into municipal financing agreements as provided by sections 1789 and 1821-1828 of this title, or other provisions authorizing the pledge of district assets or net revenue, or alternative means of financing capital improvements and operations;

(3) purchase, sell, lease, own, acquire, convey, mortgage, improve, and use real and personal property in connection with its purpose;

(4) enter into contracts for any term or duration;

(5) operate, cause to be operated, or contract for the construction, ownership, management, financing, and operation of an enterprise which a municipal corporation is authorized by law to undertake;

(6) hire employees and fix the compensation and terms of employment;

(7) contract with individuals, corporations, associations, authorities, and agencies for services and property, including the assumption of the liabilities and assets thereof, provided that no assumed liability shall be a general obligation of a municipality in which the district is located;

(8) contract with the State of Vermont, the United States of America, or any subdivision or agency thereof for services, assistance, and joint ventures;

(9) contract with any municipality for the services of any officers or employees of that municipality useful to it;

(10) promote cooperative arrangements and coordinated action among its members and other public and private entities;

(11) make recommendations for review and action to its members and other public agencies that perform functions within the region in which its members are located;

(12) sue and be sued; provided, however, that the property and assets of the district, other than such property as may be pledged as security for a district obligation, shall not be subject to levy, execution, or attachment;

(13) appropriate and expend monies; provided, however, that no appropriation shall be funded or made in reliance upon any taxing authority of the district;

(14) establish sinking and reserve funds for retiring and securing its obligations;

(15) establish capital reserve funds and make deposits in them;

(16) solicit, accept, and administer gifts, grants, and bequests in trust or otherwise for its purpose;

(17) enter into an interstate compact consistent with the purposes of this chapter, subject to the approval of the Vermont General Assembly and the U.S. Congress;

(18) develop a public sewer or water project, provided the legislative body and the planning commission for the municipality in which the sewer or water project is proposed to be located confirm in writing that such project conforms with any duly adopted municipal plan, and the regional planning commission confirms in writing that such project conforms with the duly adopted regional plan;

(19) exercise all powers incident to a public corporation, but only to the extent permitted in this chapter;

(20) adopt a name under which it shall be known and shall conduct business; and

(21) make, establish, alter, amend, or repeal ordinances, regulations, and bylaws relating to matters contained in this chapter and not inconsistent with law. (Added 2017, No. 69, § B.1, eff. June 28, 2017.)