App 122 Fish Management Regulation [Section 122 effective January 1, 2020; see also section 122 effective until January 1, 2020]

10A V.S.A. § 122 (N/A)
Copy with citation
Copy as parenthetical citation

[Section 122 effective until January 1, 2020; see also section 122 effective January 1, 2020 .]

§ 122. Fish Management Regulation

1.0 Authority

This rule is adopted pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4081(b). In adopting this rule, the Fish and Wildlife Board is following the policy established by the General Assembly that the protection, propagation, control, management, and conservation of fish, wildlife and fur-bearing animals in this state is in the interest of the public welfare and that the safeguarding of this valuable resource for the people of the state requires a constant and continual vigilance.

In accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4082, this rule is designed to maintain the best health, population and utilization levels of Vermont's fisheries.

In accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4083, this rule establishes open seasons; establishes daily, season, possession limits and size limits; prescribes the manner and means of taking fish; and prescribes the manner of transportation and exportation of fish.

2.0 Purpose

It is the policy of the State that the protection, propagation control, management and conservation of fish, wildlife, and fur-bearing animals in this State is in the interest of the public welfare, and that safeguarding of this valuable resource for the people of the State requires a constant and continual vigilance.

3.0 Open-Water Fishing, legal methods of taking fish

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Department - Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife.

3.1.2 Commissioner - Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife


3.1.3 Open-water fishing - Fishing by means of hook and line in hand or

attached to a rod or other device in open water. Fishing by casting or

trolling baited hooks, artificial flies or lures is considered open-water


3.1.4 Baited Hook - A single shank hook with 1, 2, or 3 points which

may be baited with natural or artificial bait or both.

3.1.5 Lure - A man-made device designed to catch only 1 fish at a time,

to include a spoon, plug, spinner, bait harness, tandem hook streamer or

lead head jig.

3.1.6 Fly - A single pointed hook dressed with feathers, hair, thread,

tinsel, or any similar material wound on or about the hook to which no

hooks, spinners, spoons, or similar devices have been added.

3.1.7 Handheld Spear - A manually powered spear used from above the

water's surface.

3.1.8 Speargun - A pneumatic or rubber band powered device, with a

line not to exceed 20 feet attached to a spear, used from below the

water's surface.

3.1.9 Cull Fish - Carp, tench, rudd, shad (alewife and gizzard shad), and

goldfish. Additional invasive/exotic fish species may be designated by

the Commissioner as "cull fish."

3.1.10 Immediate Control - Such constant control as would enable the

angler to respond forthwith to a fish taking their bait, lure or fly promptly

and without any delay.

3.1.11 Snagging - Snagging shall mean the intentional hooking of a fish

in a place other than the inside of the fish's mouth. No person shall pull,

jerk or otherwise purposefully and/or repeatedly manipulate a hook, or

hooks and line to snag or hook a fish in any method other than to entice a

fish into taking, by mouth, a hook, lure or fly. Repeated and/or

exaggerated jerking or pulling of the fishing line and/or hooks in any

attempt to snag fish, whether it results in physically snagging a fish or

not, shall be prima facie evidence that snagging has taken place. This

shall not apply to the use of a gaff to land a fish that has been legally


3.2 Whether still fishing, casting, or trolling in Vermont waters, a person may take fish only by using not more than two lines over which he or she has immediate control and to each of which lines is attached not more than two baited hooks, or more than three artificial flies, or more than two lures with or without bait, except that at Seymour Lake and Little Averill Lake a person may take fish only by using not more than one line.

3.3 A person open-water fishing shall not take fish through the ice, from the ice, or from an object supported by the ice.

3.4 A person shall not take any fish pursuant to subsection (3.2) unless it is hooked in the mouth. Any fish taken under subsection (3.2) that is not hooked in the mouth shall be immediately released pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4602. A fish hooked in any part of the body other than in the mouth shall be considered to be foul hooked, and shall be prima facie evidence of foul hooking.

3.5 Taking or attempting to take fish by snagging is prohibited in all Vermont Waters.

4.0 Ice Fishing

4.1 Definitions

4.1.1 Ice Fishing - Ice fishing is defined as fishing by means of hook and

line in hand or attached to a rod, tip-up, jack or bob, where the angler is

fishing through a hole in the ice, from the ice or on an object supported

by the ice. Fishing by casting or trolling baited hooks, artificial flies or

lures shall not be considered ice fishing.

4.2 Fish may be taken through the ice with not more than two baited hooks or three artificial flies or two lures on each line. A person shall not operate more than eight lines, except on Lake Champlain where no more than 15 lines may be operated, and except on Seymour and Little Averill Lakes, where not more than four lines may be operated.

4.3 A person ice fishing shall at all times, have immediate control over all lines they operate. A person ice fishing shall be able to visually observe lines they operate. Any line that indicates a fish shall be tended with 30 minutes.

4.4 A person shall not take any fish pursuant to subsection (4.2) unless it is hooked in the mouth. Any fish taken under subsection (4.2) that is not hooked in the mouth shall be immediately released pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4602. A fish hooked in any part of the body other than in the mouth shall be considered to be foul hooked, and shall be prima facie evidence of foul hooking.

4.5 The definitions of section 3 are applicable to this section.

4.6 Taking or attempting to take fish by snagging is prohibited in all Vermont Waters.

5.0 The taking, possessing, transporting, use and selling of baitfish

5.1 Purpose

5.1.1 This rule applies to fish used as bait. This rule shall apply to all

persons who take, possess, transport, use, or deal with baitfish.

5.1.2 The purpose of this paragraph is to: a) protect the fish, and fisheries

in the state, b) ensure the conservation of the fish and fisheries in the

state, c) maintain the best health of species of the State, d) prevent the

introduction or spread of a disease or parasite harmful to humans and

wild species, and e) prevent the escape or release of non-native species

or species injurious to or competitive with natural ecological systems and


5.2 Definitions

5.2.1 "Application" means a specific form provided by the Department

of Fish and Wildlife.

5.2.2 "Baitbox" means a receptacle used for holding or keeping baitfish

alive for personal use. A legal baitbox shall not exceed 25 cubic feet in


5.2.3 "Baitfish" means fish species and parts thereof, living or dead, used

for the purpose of attracting and catching fish.

5.2.4 "Commercial Dealing, dealing, or deal" means to sell as defined in

10 V.S.A. § 4001, subsection (22).

5.2.5 "Fish Hatchery" refers to any fish culture station, hatchery, or

artificial rearing pond which grows or maintains baitfish for sale in


5.2.6 "Permit" is a document from the Commissioner granting a

Commercial Bait Dealers Permit.

5.2.7 "Waterbody" means any lake, pond, river, or stream including all

tributaries upstream to the first barrier impassable to upstream fish


5.2.8 "Commercially Preserved Baitfish" means baitfish which are

chemically treated in a manner approved by the Department, and then

packaged for retail sale.

5.2.9 "Personal Baitfish Harvest" means baitfish taken for

noncommercial use.

5.3 Personal Baitfish Harvest

5.3.1 Personally harvested baitfish may be used only on the same

waterbody from which they were collected.

5.3.2 A person may harvest for baitfish only those fish species listed

under paragraphs 5.6.1, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.

5.3.3 It is unlawful to take baitfish for personal use other than by the

following methods: a) minnow traps no longer than eighteen inches with

an entrance for fish not exceeding one inch in diameter, b) dip nets, cast

nets, and umbrella nets not exceeding a total of 51 square feet of mesh,

or a seine net not exceeding 25 feet in length, c) Open-water/ice fishing

by hook and line.

5.3.4 The personal harvest of baitfish is unlawful in Seasonally Closed

Waters as listed in Section 9.0 of this regulation, except during the open

season for trout, and is prohibited in streams as specified in Section 9.2.

Baitfish harvest shall be conducted only by Open-water/ice fishing or the

use of minnow traps no longer than eighteen inches with an entrance for

fish not exceeding one inch in diameter.

5.3.5 All traps, nets, baitboxes or other holding receptacles capable of

taking, holding or keeping live baitfish in public waters must be marked

with the name and address of the owner and user.

5.3.6 Personally harvested baitfish shall not be transported by motorized

vehicle away from the waterbody from which they were collected.

5.3.7 Baitfish may be held on the water in a pen or baitbox as defined in

paragraph 5.2.2.

5.3.8 Personally harvested baitfish may be collected from a waterbody's

tributaries upstream to the first impassable barrier for use on such

waterbody. Personally harvested baitfish shall not be transported

upstream beyond the first impassable barrier.

5.3.9 The personal harvest of baitfish is prohibited on any waterbody of

the State that is defined as closed to baitfish harvest. The Department

will maintain and make available a list of closed waters.

5.3.10 Fish eggs may be collected from legally harvested fish from

Vermont waters, and used immediately as bait on the same water where

taken unless that waterbody has been closed to baitfish collection. It is

illegal to move personally harvested fish eggs to any other waterbody. It

is illegal to transport fish eggs away from and return them to the same

waterbody for use as bait unless they have been processed in a manner

approved by the Department as described on the Department website.

5.4 Commercially Purchased Baitfish

5.4.1 It is unlawful to import baitfish into the State of Vermont without a

Fish Importation Permit, except as provided for in paragraphs 5.4.7 and


5.4.2 A person purchasing baitfish shall retain and show upon request a

transportation receipt issued by a State-approved commercial bait dealer,

authorizing transportation of baitfish overland by motorized vehicle. The

receipt shall contain the following information: 1) A unique receipt

identification number, 2) The name and telephone number of the bait

dealer, 3) time and date of sale, 4) species purchased, 5) quantity

purchased, 6) waterbody (limited to one) on which the baitfish will be

used, 7) signature of purchaser.

5.4.3 A transportation receipt shall be valid for 96 hours from time and

date of sale.

5.4.4 A person may transport unused commercially purchased baitfish

away from waters of the State by motorized vehicle, and retain for later

use on the same waterbody as indicated on the baitfish transportation

receipt, within 96 hours from time and date of sale.

5.4.5 A person transporting unused commercially purchased baitfish

away from the waterbody indicated on the baitfish transportation receipt

for later use on said waterbody shall not hold them in any other water of

the State. These baitfish must be kept in a closed container isolated from

any inflow of lake, pond or stream water, or outflow to such waters of

the State.

5.4.6 Baitfish may be held beyond the 96 hour period on the water in a

pen or baitbox as per paragraph 5.2.2.

5.4.7 A person may purchase baitfish from a New York baitshop for use

on Lake Champlain only, provided the baitshop is Vermont-licensed, and

the baitfish are accompanied by a Vermont-issued baitfish transportation


5.4.8 A person may purchase baitfish from a New Hampshire baitshop

for use on the Connecticut River and its setbacks only, provided the

baitshop is Vermont-licensed, and the baitfish are accompanied by a

Vermont-issued baitfish transportation receipt. For the purposes of this

paragraph, the Connecticut River is defined as all waters of the river

including the bays, setbacks, and tributaries, only to the first highway

bridge crossing said tributaries on the Vermont side.

5.4.9 Commercially prepared and preserved baitfish and fish eggs

available from retail stores may be purchased and used as bait, and may

be taken home and kept for later use, provided they are retained in the

original packaging at all times.

5.5 Commercial Bait Dealers

5.5.1 Any person who buys bait for resale or sells baitfish is required to

obtain a Commercial Bait Dealers Permit from the Commissioner. Only

persons operating a place of business and offering baitfish for sale to the

public may apply for and hold a Commercial Bait Dealers permit.

5.5.2 Commercial Bait Dealers may sell as bait only those species of fish

listed under section 5.6.1. Commercial Bait Dealers may also sell

rainbow smelt as bait, provided they are obtained from a fish hatchery

approved by the Commissioner as per paragraph 5.5.4 and its subsections

below, or harvested by Open-water/ice fishing and sold for use on the

same waterbody on which the Bait Dealer is located as per paragraph

5.5.5 and its subsections below.

5.5.3 Commercial Bait Dealers must declare in their permit application if

they will be a Statewide baitfish dealer, or a Waterbody-Specific baitfish


5.5.4 Statewide baitfish dealers are prohibited from possessing, buying

or selling wild-caught baitfish. Baitfish sold by Statewide baitfish dealers must originate from a

fish hatchery approved by the Commissioner. Statewide baitfish dealers must hold or keep baitfish in waters

drawn from a secure well or municipal water source, or other water

source as approved by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Baitfish sold by Statewide baitfish dealers may be used in waters

throughout the State, except those waters as described in Section 6.0 of

this regulation.

5.5.5 Waterbody-specific baitfish dealers must declare on their permit

application the waterbody on which they are located. Waterbody-specific baitfish dealers may harvest wild baitfish

only from the declared waterbody, and offer them for sale and use only

on the declared waterbody. Waterbody-specific baitfish dealers must have baitfish holding

facilities that discharge directly to their declared waterbody. Holding

facilities must not discharge to other waters of the State. Waterbody-specific baitfish dealers shall not operate dip nets,

cast nets, or umbrella nets exceeding 51 square feet of mesh, or a seine

net exceeding 125 feet in length, for the purposes of taking fish for bait,

unless otherwise provided for on a Commercial Bait Dealers Permit.

Baitfish netting is prohibited in all Seasonally Closed Waters as listed in

Section 9.0 of this regulation, unless otherwise provided for on a

Commercial Bait Dealers Permit. All traps, nets, baitboxes or other holding receptacles capable of

taking, holding or keeping live baitfish in public waters must be marked

with the name and address of the owner and user. The commercial harvest of baitfish is prohibited on any

waterbody of the State that is defined as closed to baitfish harvest. The

Department will maintain and make available a list of closed waters.

5.5.6 A Commercial Bait Dealer shall provide to each customer at the

point of sale a copy of a transportation receipt containing the following

information: 1) A unique receipt identification number, 2) The name and

telephone number of the bait dealer, 3) time and date of sale, 4) species

purchased, 5) quantity purchased, 6) waterbody (limited to one) on

which the baitfish will be used, 7) signature of purchaser.

5.5.7 A transportation receipt shall be valid for 96 hours from time and

date of sale.

5.5.8 Receipt books shall be provided to Commercial Bait Dealers by the


5.5.9 Any holder of a Commercial Bait Dealers Permit shall maintain

receipts or records for each lot of wholesaled hatchery-raised or wild-

caught baitfish introduced into their shop. The receipts or records shall

include: name, address and telephone number of seller (for wholesaled

baitfish), and date received, species identification, and quantity

purchased or harvested, for wholesaled and wild-caught baitfish. The

permit holder shall retain the receipts and records for at least one year

after the date of sale or harvest. Receipts or records must be provided to

the Department immediately upon request.

5.6 Approved Species of Fish for use as Bait


Banded killifish Fundulus diaphanus

Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus

Bluntnose minnow Pimephales notatus

Common shiner Luxilus cornutus

Creek chub Semotilus atromaculatus

Eastern silvery minnow Hybognathus regius

Emerald shiner Notropis atherinoides

Fallfish Semotilus corporalis

Fathead minnow Pimephales promelas

Golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas

Longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae

Longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus

Mimic shiner Notropis volucellus

Northern redbelly dace Phoxinus eos

Spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius

White sucker Catostomus commersoni

5.6.2 The following additional fish species, or parts thereof, may be

taken only by Open-water/ice fishing and used for bait only in those

waters where taken and shall not be transported alive from those waters;

only Rainbow smelt may be commercially sold as bait:

Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus

Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus

Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax

Rock bass Ambloplites rupestris

Yellow perch Perca flavescens

5.6.3 Lake Champlain - In addition to 5.6.2, the following fish species,

or parts thereof, may be taken only by Open-water/ice fishing in Lake

Champlain and used as bait in Lake Champlain, as described in Section

7.0 of this regulation, and may not be commercially harvested or sold as

bait; Alewife may only be used/possessed if dead:

Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus

White perch Morone americana

5.6.4 All other species of fish are prohibited for use as bait.

5.7 Commercial Bait Dealer Application Process

5.7.1 A party who wishes to obtain a Commercial Bait Dealers Permit

shall apply to the Commissioner in writing on a form provided by the

Department. The Department may require the applicant to submit such

additional information as is necessary to determine that the permitted

activities comply with the purposes of this rule, including but not limited

to fish health testing, and the impact to Vermont's fish and fisheries.

5.7.2 If the application is deficient, the Department shall inform the

applicant of the deficiencies and return the application within 30 days of

receipt, along with any associated fee, to the applicant for revision and


5.7.3 If the application is denied, the Commissioner shall, within 30 days

of receipt of application, send the applicant a written denial providing the

reasons for the denied.

5.8 Permit Compliance

5.8.1 The Permittee shall make the permit available upon request by an

agent of the Department. Premises and equipment used by persons to

take, store, or deal in baitfish shall be accessible for inspection by the

Commissioner and his or her agents. Samples for species determination

or disease examination shall be made available immediately upon


5.8.2 Permittees shall provide the Department with additional

information as requested on an annual basis or prior to the re-issuance of

a new permit.

5.9 Permit Revocation

5.9.1 The Commissioner may revoke any permit issued in order to

protect regulated species: for any violation of a permit; failure to comply

with this rule; a violation of any rules of the Board; or a violation of the

provisions of Part 4, Title 10, Vermont Statutes Annotated; if the

Commissioner determines it is in the best interest of the fish or fisheries

of Vermont.

5.9.2 Prior to permit revocation, the Commissioner shall provide a

proceeding consistent with 3 V.S.A. § 814(c).

5.9.3 Appeals of the decisions of the Commissioner are subject to the

Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure.

6.0 Use of fish as bait

The use of fish in any form whether alive or dead for bait in fishing is prohibited in:

Adams Reservoir, Woodford;

Beaver Pond, Holland;

Beebe Pond, Sunderland;

Big Mud Pond, Mt. Tabor;

Blake Pond, Sutton;

Bourn Pond, Sunderland;

Branch Pond, Sunderland;

Cow Mountain Pond, Granby;

Griffith Lake, Mt. Tabor;

Jobs Pond, Westmore;

Lewis Pond, Lewis;

Little Rock Pond, Wallingford;

Martins Pond, Peacham;

McIntosh Pond, Royalton;

North Pond, Chittenden;

Notch Pond, Ferdinand;

Red Mill Pond, Woodford;

Sterling Pond, Cambridge;

South America Pond, Ferdinand;

Stratton Pond, Stratton;

Unknown Pond, Averys Gore;

Unknown Pond, Ferdinand

and any ponds as may be created or reclaimed by the Department of Fish and

Wildlife. This regulation shall be posted at all waters affected.

7.0 Lake Champlain Boundaries

Lake Champlain proper shall be considered to include the setback at the

same level and the major tributaries to the lake to the following boundaries:

Dead Creek to Panton Road bridge in Panton;

East Creek to the falls in Orwell (downstream of Mount Independence


Lamoille River to the top of first dam (Peterson Dam) in Milton;

LaPlatte River to the falls in Shelburne (under Falls Road bridge);

Lewis Creek to falls in North Ferrisburgh (just upstream of Old Hollow


Little Otter Creek to falls in Ferrisburgh Center (downstream of Little

Chicago Road);

Malletts Creek to the first falls upstream of Roosevelt Highway (US 2

and US 7) in Colchester;

Mill River in Georgia to the falls in Georgia (just upstream of Georgia

Shore Road bridge);

Missisquoi River to the top of Swanton Dam in the Village of Swanton;

Mud Creek to the dam in Alburg (just upstream of Route 78 bridge);

Otter Creek to the top of the dam in the city of Vergennes;

Poultney River to Central Vermont Power Dam at Carver Falls in West


Rock River to first Canadian border crossing;

Winooski River to the Winooski One hydropower dam west of Main

Street (US 7) in Winooski and Burlington;

8.0 Clyde River: Catch and Release

Between September 1 and October 31, on the Clyde River from Lake

Memphremagog upstream to Charleston Dam (Lubber Lake), West

Charleston, a person may fish with artificial flies and lures only, and all

salmon caught must be released.

9.0 Seasonally Closed Waters

9.1 The following lakes and ponds or portions thereof are hereby designated

Seasonally Closed Waters and shall be closed to all fishing except during

the open season for trout as provided in section 10 of these regulations:

Adams Reservoir, Woodford

Ansel Pond, Bethel

Baker Pond, Barton

Bald Hill Pond, Westmore

Bean Pond, Sutton

Beaver Pond, Holland

Beck Pond, Newark

Beebe Pond, Sunderland

Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill

Big Mud Pond, Mt. Tabor

Blake Pond, Sutton

Bourn Pond, Sunderland

Branch Pond, Sunderland

Brown Pond, Westmore

Caspian Lake, Greensboro

Center Pond, Newark

Colby Pond, Plymouth

Cow Mountain Pond, Granby

Crystal Lake, Barton

Duck Pond, Sutton

Dufresne Pond, Manchester

East Long Pond, Woodbury

Echo Lake, Charleston

Ewell Pond, Peacham

Forest Lake, Averill

Goshen Dam (Sugar Hill Reservoir), Goshen

Griffith Lake, Mt. Tabor

Hapgood Pond, Peru

Hartwell Pond, Albany

Holland Pond, Holland

Jobs Pond, Westmore

Knapp Brook Pond No. 1, Reading and Cavendish

Knapp Brook Pond No. 2, Reading and Cavendish

Lake Dunmore-Salisbury and Leicester - Except from Sucker Brook to

the island south, which shall be open.

Levi Pond, Groton

Lewis Pond, Lewis

Little Averill Lake, Averill

Little Elmore Pond, Elmore

Little Rocky Pond, Wallingford

Long Pond, Newbury

Long Pond, Westmore

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone

Marl Pond, Sutton

Martins Pond, Peacham

May Pond, Barton

McIntosh Pond, Royalton

Mud Pond, Hyde Park

Nelson Pond (Forest Lake), Calais and Woodbury

Nichols Pond, Woodbury

North Pond, Chittenden

Norton Pond, Norton

Notch Pond, Ferdinand

Noyes (Seyon) Pond, Groton

Peacham Pond, Peacham

Perch Pond, (Zack Woods Pond), Hyde Park

Pigeon Pond, Groton

Red Mill Pond, Woodford

Seymour Lake, Morgan

Shadow Lake, Glover

Silver Lake, Leicester

South America Pond, Ferdinand

South Pond, Marlboro

Spring Lake, Shrewsbury

Stannard Pond, Stannard

Sterling Pond, Cambridge

Stoughton Pond, Weathersfield

Stratton Pond, Stratton

Sunset Lake, Benson

Unknown Pond, Averys Gore

Unknown Pond, Ferdinand

Vail Pond, Sutton

Vernon Hatchery Pond, Vernon

West Mountain Pond, Maidstone

Wheeler Pond, Barton and Sutton

Willoughby Lake, Westmore

Zack Woods, (Perch Pond), Hyde Park

9.2 All streams are hereby designated Seasonally Closed Waters and shall

be closed to all fishing except during the open season for trout as provided

in section 10 of these regulations; and

9.2.1 except that the following streams shall be open to trout fishing

only, and no fishing for other species shall be allowed, from November 1

to the Friday before the second Saturday in April, as set forth in Table





1. Waters

2. Methods


Size Restrictions

5.Daily Bag Limit

Listed Below

Artificial fly or lure only

November 1 to the Friday before the 2nd Saturday in April:

Catch and release only

Zero-All trout must be immediately released to the water where taken:

Black River – From the top of the Lovejoy Dam in Springfield upstream to  the Howard Hill Road Bridge in Cavendish.

Deerfield River – From the Woods Road (Medburyville) bridge in Wilmington upstream approximately 2 miles to the VT Route 9W bridge in Searsburg.

East Creek (Rutland City) – From the confluence with Otter Creek upstream (approximately 2.7 miles) to the top of the Patch Dam in Rutland City.

Hoosic River – From the Vermont/New York border upstream to the Vermont/Massachusetts border.

Lamoille River – From the top of the hydroelectric dam at Fairfax Falls upstream to the top of the Cady’s Falls Dam in Morristown.

Moose River – From the confluence with Passumpsic River upstream to the downstream edge of the Concord Avenue bridge in St. Johnsbury.

Otter Creek – From the top of the Center Rutland Falls in Rutland upstream to the Danby-Mt. Tabor Forest Road Bridge (Forest Road #10) in Mt. Tabor.

Passumpsic River – From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of Arnolds Falls Dam in St. Johnsbury.

Walloomsac River– From the Vermont/New York border in Bennington upstream to the top of the former Vermont Tissue Plant Dam (downstream of Murphy Road) in Bennington.

Winooski River – From the top of the Bolton Dam  in Waterbury and Duxbury upstream to the VT Route 2/100 in Duxbury and Waterbury.

10.0 Fish - Open Seasons, Size Restrictions and Daily Bag Limits.

Fish of the species named or described in the tables set forth below may

be taken:

In the waters specified in column 1, by the method specified in column 2,

during the open season specified in column 3.

Provided they meet any size restrictions specified in column 4., and only in

numbers listed under daily bag limits specified in column 5., under no

circumstances may a person take in one day, more than the daily bag or

weight limit from a listed body of water. No person may take in aggregate

more than the daily State-wide aggregate limit for any species listed.

Businesses may buy lawfully taken fish, with the approval of the

Commissioner, pursuant to the Commercial angling rules set forth in 10

V.S.A. App. 123.

10.1 Possession limits are equal to twice the daily bag limits. Fish species

with limit restrictions may not be possessed in excess of the possession

limits at any time.

10.1.1 No person shall have live fish in their possession that are

transported in a manner which attempts to keep them alive when

leaving waters of the State (10 V.S.A. §  1251(13)), except as follows: the person has been issued a Commercial Bait Dealers

Permit by the Commissioner, the person has been issued scientific collection permit by

the Commissioner which specifically approves of the activity, the person has been issued a fish transportation permit

by the Commissioner which specifically approves of the activity, the person has been issued a fish breeders permit or fish

importation permit by the Commissioner which specifically

approves of the activity.

10.2 The daily bag limit for a fish species on a water body with a closed

season for that fish species is zero.

10.3 "General waters" restrictions are the provisions applicable to all waters

of the State, except the waters specifically named or described.

10.4 Unless otherwise specifically provided, fish not listed in this regulation

may be taken at any time and without size or catch limit, in waters not listed

as Seasonally Closed Waters in Section 9 of these regulations.

10.5 Open Seasons, Size Restrictions and Daily Bag Limits Tables


(Maximum number of a fish species that may be taken in one day)


Brook Trout                                                    12 fish

Brown and Rainbow Trout        Maximum Combination of 6 fish

Lake Trout                              2 fish, (3 if taken from Lake Champlain)

Salmon                                                            2 fish

Large and Smallmouth Bass      Maximum combination of 5 fish

Northern Pike                                                  5 fish

Chain Pickerel                                                10 fish

Muskellunge                                                   0 fish

Walleye                                                           3 fish

Black and White Crappie                                25 fish

American Shad                                               0 fish

Yellow Perch                                                  50 fish

Yellow Perch exception                      Lake Champlain - No daily limit

Sauger                                                             0 fish


1. Waters           2. Methods         3. Season            4. Size                5. Daily Bag

Restrictions        Limit

General              Open-Water       Second               No restriction     6 trout

waters.                fishing              Saturday in

(except as                                   April through

listed below)                               October 31

Lake Champlain Open-water        No closed           Minimum length             3 trout

and ice fishing   season                 of 12 inches

Rivers and          Open-water        Second               No restriction     12 trout, of

Streams               fishing               Saturday in                                 which not

April through                             more

October 31                                 than 6 can be

brown and/or



1. Waters           2. Methods         3. Season            4. Size                5. Daily Bag

Restrictions        Limit

Listed Below:  Open-water     Second            No restriction  2 trout in

fishing        Saturday in                              aggregate

April through

October 31

Black River along Rt. 131 in Weathersfield and Cavendish, - from

Downers covered bridge upstream (approximately 4 miles) to the next bridge

across the river, The Howard Hill Bridge.

East Creek in Rutland City - From the confluence with Otter Creek

upstream (approximately 2.7 miles) to the top of the Patch Dam in Rutland


Lamoille River From the downstream edge of the bridge on Route 104 in

the Village of Fairfax upstream (approximately 1.6 miles) to the top of the

Fairfax Falls Dam in Fairfax.

Little River - From the confluence with Winooski River in Waterbury

upstream to the top of the Waterbury Reservoir Dam in Waterbury.

Missisquoi River in Enosburg and Sheldon - From the downstream edge

of Kane Road (TH-3) bridge upstream (approximately 5.7 miles) to the top of

the Enosburg Falls Dam in Enosburg Falls.

Otter Creek in Danby and Mt. Tabor - From the Vermont Railway Bridge

north of the fishing access upstream (approximately 2 miles) to the Danby-Mt.

Tabor Forest Rd. Bridge (Forest Road # 10).

Passumpsic River in the Village of St. Johnsbury - From the top of

the Gage Dam in St. Johnsbury upstream (approximately 2.4 miles) to the top

of the Arnold Falls Dam.

Moose River - From the confluence with the Passumpsic River

upstream (approximately 350 feet) to the downstream edge of the Concord

Avenue bridge in the Village of St. Johnsbury.

Walloomsac River in Bennington - From the Vermont/New York border

upstream to the top of the former Vermont Tissue Plant Dam (downstream of

Murphy Road) in Bennington.

Winooski River in Duxbury and Waterbury - From the top of the Bolton

Dam in Duxbury and Waterbury upstream to the Route 2 Bridge (east side of

Waterbury Village).



1. Waters      2. Methods      3. Season       4. Size                            5. Daily Bag

Restrictions                    Limit

Listed       Open-water   Second         Minimum length         2 trout

Below:      fishing          Saturday in   of 10 inches

April through

October 31

Lakes and Ponds

Caspian Lake, Greensboro

Echo Lake,


Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay), Coventry, Derby, Newport

City and Newport;

Willoughby Lake, Westmore

Rivers and Streams:

Orleans County:

Barton River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the US Route 5 bridge southernmost and closest to the Village

of Barton in Barton.

Black River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the VT Route 14 / 58 bridge in Irasburg.

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road (TH #6)

upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

Willoughby River - The entire Willoughby River, from the confluence

with Barton River in Barton upstream to the Willoughby Lake outlet  in




1. Waters      2. Methods      3. Season       4. Size                  5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

Listed          Open-water       Second              See                  Two fish in

below:         fishing               Saturday in        regulations     aggregate

April through   for specific

October 31        bodies of


Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill

Caspian Lake, Greensboro


Pond, Newark

Crystal Lake, Barton

East Long Pond, Woodbury

Echo Lake,


Elligo Lake, Craftsbury and Greensboro

Forest Lake (Nelson

Pond), Calais and Woodbury

Harveys Lake, Barnet

Lake Dunmore, Salisbury

Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay), Coventry, Derby, Newport City and Newport

Little Averill Lake, Averill

Long Pond, Westmore

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone

Nelson Pond (Forest

Lake), Calais and Woodbury

Nichols Pond, Woodbury

Seymour Lake, Morgan

Shadow Lake, Glover

Spring Lake, Shrewsbury

Sunset Lake, Benson

Willoughby Lake, Westmore.


1. Waters         2. Methods      3. Season         4. Size             5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

General           Open-water   Second             Salmon -          2 Lake Trout

Waters (all      fishing          Saturday in         Minimum  or   2 Salmon or

waters except                       April through     length of          1 of each

as listed below)                    October 31         15 inches

Lake Trout -


Length of

18 inches

Lake                Open-water  No Closed          Lake Trout      3 Lake Trout

Champlain       and ice          Season               and Salmon -   and 2 Salmon

fishing                                     Minimum

length of

15 inches

Little               Open-water  Angling:             Lake Trout -    1 Lake Trout

Averill             fishing, with second                Minimum        and 1 salmon

Lake                not more       Saturday in         length of

and                  1 line           April through      20 inches         or 2 Salmon

Seymour                              October 31


Ice fishing   Ice fishing:          Salmon -

with not       third Saturday     Minimum

more than    in January           length of

4 lines        through March     15 inches


Clyde Pond,    Open-        Second                  Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Pond,               water         Saturday in            Minimum         or 2 Salmon

Salem Lake,                fishing       April through        length of          or 2 Salmon or

Little Salem                       August 31              18 inches         1 of each

Lake, and

Clyde River

from Lake


upstream to



Dam (Lubber

Lake), West


Salmon -


length of

17 inches

Open-           September 1       Lake                            2 Lake Trout,

water            through               Trout -             0 Salmon, (all

fishing:         October 31         Minimum        salmon must be

River from                              length of          immediately

Lake                                        18 inches         released


to Charleston

Dam -


flies and

lures only

Lake                Open-water   Second              Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Memphremagog   fishing     Saturday in        Minimum        or 2 Salmon or

(including                             April through     length of          1 of each

South Bay                            October 31         18 inches

Ice Fishing   Third Saturday  Salmon -

in January          Minimum

through              length of

March 15           17 inches

Listed              Open-water   Second       Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Below:              fishing                 Saturday in     Minimum length  or 2 Salmon or

April through   of 18 inches    1 of each

October 31

Salmon -

Minimum length

of 17 inches

Orleans County:

Barton River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the US Route 5 bridge southernmost and closest to the Village

of Barton in Barton.

Black River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the VT Route 14 / 58 bridge in Irasburg.

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road  (TH #6)

upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

Willoughby River - The entire Willoughby River, from confluence with

Barton River in Barton upstream to the Willoughby Lake outlet in




1. Waters     2. Methods      3. Season            4. Size             5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

Listed       Ice Fishing         Third Saturday    See species      See species

below:                                  in January           restriction        restriction

through March   for individual  for individual

15                       body of water  body of water

Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill;

Big Salem Lake, Derby;


Lake, Greensboro;

Chittenden Dam, Chittenden;

Crystal Lake, Barton;

Echo Lake, Charleston;

Echo Lake, Plymouth;

Eden Lake, Eden;

Elligo Lake, Craftsbury and Greensboro;

Glen Lake, Castleton, Fair Haven, and Benson;

Harriman Reservoir, Whitingham and Wilmington;

Harveys Lake, Barnet;

Island Pond, Brighton;

Joes Pond, Cabot, Danville;

Lake Bomoseen, Castleton and Hubbardton;

Lake Dunmore, Leicester, and Salisbury;

Lake Fairlee, Thetford, West Fairlee, Fairlee;

Lake Hortonia, Sudbury, Hubbardton;

Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay and the connecting waters),

Coventry, Derby, Newport City and Newport;

Lake Morey, Fairlee;

Lake Rescue, Ludlow;

Lake St. Catherine, Wells, Poultney;

Little Averill Lake, Averill;

Little Salem Lake, Derby;

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone;

Marshfield Dam (Mollys Falls Reservoir), Cabot;

Miles Pond, Concord;

Nelson Pond (Forest Lake), Calais and Woodbury;

Newark Pond, Newark

Norton Pond, Norton;

Parker Pond, Glover;

Peacham Pond, Peachman;

Pensioner Pond, Charleston;

Seymour Lake, Morgan;

Shadow Lake, Glover;

Somerset Reservoir, Somerset;

Sunset Lake, Benson;

Wallace Pond, Canaan;

Waterbury Reservoir, Waterbury;

Willoughby Lake,


Woodbury Lake, (Sabin Pond), Calais and Woodbury


1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions                          Limit

Lamoille                Open-water           Second                   Minimum length                  2 trout

River -                   fishing, with         Saturday in           of 16 inches.

From the               artificial                April through

downstream          lures and               October 31.

edge of the            flies only.


bridge     in




3.7 miles)

to the


edge of the

Ten Bends

Drive bridge

in Hyde Park.

White                    Open-water           Second                   Minimum length                  1 trout

River  -                  fishing, with         Saturday in           of 18 inches

From the               artificial                April through

confluence            lures and               October 31.

with                       flies only.


Brook in



3.3 miles to

220 ft.

downstream of





Brook in


Mettawee             Open-water           Second                   10 to 14                                 2 trout, only

River -                   fishing                    Saturday in           inches                                     1 greater than

From the                                               April through       protected                               14 inches

downstream                                          October 31.         slot: (all

edge of the                                                                           trout 10 to 14

Route 153                                                                            inches must be

bridge in                                                                               released)




16 miles) to



edge of first

bridge on

Dorset Hollow

Road and



Flower Brook



1000 ft) to



edge of the

Route 30

bridge in


Winooski              Open-water           June 1 through     10 to 16                                 2 trout, only

River                     fishing                   October 31           inches                                    1 greater than

Tributaries -                                                                         protected                               16 inches

Listed Below                                                                       slot: (all

fish 10 to 16

inches must be


Winooski River Tributaries

Joiner Brook, Bolton  - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

1900 feet to the first falls.

Pinneo Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

100 feet to the railroad crossing.

Preston Brook, Bolton -  From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

2600 feet to the first falls.

Ridley Brook, Duxbury - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

1700 feet to the first falls.

Listed                Open-water              Second                  10 to 16                                2 trout, only

Below:              fishing                       Saturday in           inches                                    1 greater than

April through       protected                               16 inches

October 31           slot: (all

fish 10 to 16

inches must be


New Haven River - From Munger Street Bridge in New Haven upstream (approximately 4.1

miles) to the South Street bridge in Bristol.

Winooski River - From Preston Brook mouth upstream (approximately 4.4 miles) to the

Ridley Brook mouth.

Batten               Open-water               Second                   All trout must                       Zero, all

Kill -                  fishing                       Saturday in           be immediately                     trout must be

From the                                               April through       released.                                immediately

New York                                             October 31                                                           released.

State line



20.6 miles)

to downstream

side of Depot

Street Bridge

(Route 11/30)

in Manchester.

Dog River         Open-water              Second                   All trout must                       Zero, all

- From               fishing with              Saturday in           be immediately                    trout must be

the                     artificial                    April through       released                                 immediately

downstream      lures and                   October 31                                                           released.

edge of the        flies only for

Junction Road   anglers 15

Bridge in           years of age

Berlin/              or older


upstream to

the top of



Falls Dam in


Listed               Open-water               Second                   No size                                   12 trout of

below:               fishing                        Saturday in           restriction.                            which not

April through                                                      more than 6

September 30                                                      can be

brown and/or

rainbow trout

in aggregate.

Open-water              October 1,             All trout must                       Zero, all

fishing                       through                 be immediately                    trout must be

October 31           released.                                immediately


Batten Kill (East Branch) - In towns of Manchester and Dorset from the downstream side of

Depot Street Bridge (Route 11/30) in Manchester upstream (approximately 5.0 miles)

to the downstream side of the US Route 7 Bridge south of East Dorset.

Green River - In the towns of Arlington and Sandgate from its confluence with Batten Kill

upstream (approximately 8.5 miles) to the confluence with Moffitt Hollow Brook in


Roaring Branch In the towns of Arlington and Sunderland from its confluence with the Batten

Kill upstream (approximately 3.0 miles) to the downstream side of the Bridge #14 on

Sunderland TH# 3 in East Kansas.

Warm Brook - In the town of Arlington from its Confluence with the Roaring Branch upstream

(approximately 0.8 miles) to the base of the so-called Hale Company Dam in East



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season                              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

Connecticut          No person             No Open Season                  All fish must        Zero - All

River and              shall take or                                                        be immediately    Anadromous

tributaries             attempt to                                                            released                 Atlantic

take an                                                                                                salmon must

anadromous                                                                                         be immedi-

Atlantic                                                                                             ately released

salmon, any



taken shall

be immediately

released in


with section



1. Waters                              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

Connecticut                          Open-water         No closed             All shad                 Zero - All

River,                                  fishing                    season                    must be                  shall must be

Including                                                                                               released                 immediately

Vermont river                                                                                                                       released




1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water and    No closed            No restriction       No more than 5

Waters (and          ice fishing              season                                                  of any one

as listed                                                                                                                 species


General                 Speargun, bow      No closed             No restriction      No more than 5

Waters                  and crossbow        season                                                 of any one

(Except                 all with line                                                                          species

seasonally             attached to

closed waters        arrow

and as listed


Lake                      Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       No more than 5

Champlain,           ice fishing,            season                                                   fish of any

not to                     speargun, bow                                                                      one species

include                   and crossbow

tributaries             all with line

attached to


Lake                      Shooting and        March 25              No restriction        No more than 5

Champlain,           Handheld Spear  through May                                       of any one

not to                                                     25, Title 10                                          species

include                                                  4606(e)




1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       No Limit

Waters (and           ice fishing          season

as listed


General                 Speargun, bow   No Closed              No restriction       No Limit

Waters                  and crossbow     Season

(Except                 all with line

seasonally             attached to

closed waters        arrow

and as listed


Lake                      Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           ice fishing,          season

not to                     speargun, bow

include                  and crossbow

tributaries             all with line

attached to


Lake                      Shooting and    March 25                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           Handheld         through May

not to                      Spear                25, Title 10

include                                           4606(e)


10.5.14 BULLHEAD

1. Waters               2. Methods      3. Season                  4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water      No closed                  No restriction       No Limit

Waters (and          and ice             season

as listed                  fishing


Lake                      Open-water      No closed                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           and ice              season

not to                      fishing



Lake                      Shooting and    March 25                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           Handheld          through May

not to                      Spear                 25, Title 10

include                                             4606(e)



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water           No closed             Minimum length  5 Fish

Waters                  and ice                   season                   of 20 inches

(except as              fishing

listed below)

Lake Champlain Open-water           No closed             Minimum length  5 Fish

and ice                   season                   of 20 inches


Shooting and        March 25              Minimum length  5 Fish

handheld               through May        of 20 inches

spearing                25, 10 VSA



1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions           Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       No Limit

Waters                   ice fishing            season

(except as

listed below)

Lake Champlain Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       10 fish

ice fishing             season

Shooting and        March 25              No restriction       10 Fish

handheld               through May 25



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             All                          Zero – All

Waters                  ice fishing;            season                   muskellunge         muskellunge

(except as              Catch and                                            must be                 must be

listed below)          release with                                         released                 immediately

artificial                                                                                released

lures and

flies only

Lake Champlain Open-water and  No closed             All                          Zero - All

ice fishing;            season                   muskellunge         muskellunge

Catch and                                            must be                 must be

release with                                          released                 immediately

artificial                                                                                released

lures and

flies only

Shooting and         March 25                                             Zero Fish

handheld               through May

spearing                25, 10 VSA


10.5.18 SMELT

1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

All waters             Open-water           No closed             No restriction       No limit

and ice                   season



1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

All waters             Open-water and  No closed             Minimum length  25 fish,

ice fishing             season                   of 8 inches            Combined


1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       50 fish

Waters                  ice fishing             season

(except as



Lake Champlain Open-water and     No closed             No restriction       No Limit

ice fishing             season

Businesses may buy lawfully taken fish, with the approval of the Commissioner, pursuant to the Commercial angling rule set for in 10 V.S.A. APP § 123.


1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water          No closed             No restriction       5 fish

Waters                  fishing                   season

(except as

listed below)

Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Second                  Minimum length  5 Fish

and reservoirs       fishing                    Saturday in            of 10 inches

(Ice                         June through

fishing - see          through

special                   Nov. 30th.


Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Second                  All bass must         Zero - All

and                        fishing: Catch       Saturday in            be released            bass must be

reservoirs              and release            April through                                      immediately

(seasonally            with                       the Friday                                             released

closed)                  artificial                before the

lures and               Second

flies only               Saturday in

June, both



Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero - All

and                        fishing: Catch       the Friday             be released            bass must be

reservoirs              and release            before the                                             immediately

(not                        with                       Second                                                  released

seasonally             artificial                Saturday in

closed)                  lures and               June, both

flies only               dates


Seasonally,           Open-water          Only when such  No restrictions      5 fish

Closed Waters      fishing                   rivers and

- streams                                              streams are

open to trout

fishing except

as prohibited

by Section 9.2

Lake Morey,         Open-water           Second                  Largemouth          5 Fish

Fairlee                   fishing (Ice           Saturday in           bass - Minimum

fishing -                 June through       length of 14

see special            Nov. 30                inches


Lake Morey,         Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero  - All

Fairlee                   fishing Catch        Friday before        be released            bass must be

and release            the Second                                           immediately

with                       Saturday in                                          released.

artificial                June, both

lures and               dates

flies only               inclusive.

Kent Pond,           Open-water          Second                  Largemouth          10 fish, only

Killington             fishing                   Saturday in           Bass:                     1 fish greater

and Baker                                            June through        protected               than 12 inches.

Pond,                                                     Nov. 30                slot: 10-12

Brookfield                                                                            inches (all

fish between

10 & 12 inches

must be


Kent Pond,           Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero  - All

Killington             fishing: Catch       Friday before        be released            bass must be

and Baker             and release            the Second                                           immediately

Pond,                     with                       Saturday in                                          released

Brookfield            artificial                June, both

lures and               dates

flies only               inclusive.

10.5.22 WALLEYE

1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  First Saturday      Minimum length  3 Fish

Waters and           ice fishing             in May through    of 18 inches

Lake                                                      March 15


(except as



Lake Carmi,         Open-water and  First Saturday      Minimum length  5 fish,

Franklin                Ice fishing             in May through    of 15 inches          provided only

March 15              Protected              1 is over 19

lengths - 17           inches

to 19 inches

(all fish

between 17 &

19 inches must

be released)

Chittenden            Open-water and  June 1 through     Minimum length  2 fish

Reservoir,             ice fishing             March 15              of 22 inches


10.5.23 SAUGER

1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No open season    Any fish taken     Zero - All

Waters and           ice fishing                                             must be                 Sauger taken

Lake                                                                                      immediately         must be

Champlain                                                                           released.                immediately


Spawning grounds for game fish - Generally

10.6        The below listed waters are declared spawning grounds for game fish and are hereby closed to the taking of fish from second Saturday in April through May 31 annually.

Chittenden County

Joiner Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 1,900 feet to the first falls.

Pinneo Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 100 feet to the railroad crossing.

Preston Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 2,600 feet to the first falls.

Orleans County

Black River - From 600 feet below the falls at Old Harman Mill in

Coventry upstream to the top of falls at Old Harman Mill in


Ware Brook - From the downstream edge of  the furthest downstream

bridge/culvert  on  Back Coventry Road (TH #8 in Irasburg)

upstream approximately one mile to top of the first major

natural  falls on Ware Brook.

Alder (Stony) Brook - From its confluence with the Black River

upstream 3 1/2 miles to the outlet of Sargent Pond, in Coventry.

Willoughby River - From the confluence of the Brownington Branch of

the Willoughby River in Brownington upstream to the

downstream edge of the bridge on Vermont Route 58 in the

village of Evansville (Brownington); and from the downstream edge of bridge on the Tarbox Hill Road in Orleans Village upstream to the top of the natural falls upstream of the bridge on Tarbox Hill Road  in Orleans Village.

Dorin, Wells, Myers, Schoolhouse and Mill Brooks - From mouth of

brooks at Lake Willoughby upstream approximately 3/4 mile in

Dorin Brook, all of Wells Brook, 1/2 mile in Myers Brook, 1/4

mile in the Schoolhouse Brook and 1/4 mile in Mill Brook and

tributaries, all in Westmore. For identification purpose these

brooks are arranged in order from north to south, and flow

through Vermont Agency of Transportation structures on Route

5A number 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6, respectively.

Brownington Branch of the Willoughby River in Brownington - From

its confluence at the Willoughby River extending upstream to

the second road crossing on Brownington Chilafoux Road (TH

#15). Said crossing is located approximately 2.4 miles from

Brownington Center on Chilafoux Road (TH #15).

Country Club Brook - From its confluence with the Willoughby River

extending upstream to Hollow Road (TH #14) in Barton.

Porter Brook, Greensboro - From Caspian Lake upstream to its

headwaters. (1987, Fish and Wildlife Commissioner's Reg. No.

970, eff. April 1, 1987.)

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the bridge on Beebe Road

(TH #3) upstream approximately two tenths of a mile to the

downstream edge of bridge on Elm Street (TH #2) in Derby.

Outlet Brook - From the highway bridge near Echo Lake in Charleston

upstream to the top of dam at outlet of Seymour Lake.

Washington County

Chase Brook - From its confluence with the Dog River upstream

approximately 1/2 mile to the top of the natural falls in Berlin.

Ridley Brook, Duxbury - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 1,700 feet to the first falls.

Windsor County

Lilliesville Brook in the Town of Stockbridge from its confluence with

the White River upstream to the 2nd bridge on the Lilliesville

Brook Road.

Locust Creek in Bethel from its confluence with the White River

upstream to the 2nd bridge on Rt. 12.

10.7 The below named waters are closed from March 16 through May 31:

Chittenden County

Lamoille River - From the downstream edge of the bridge on Bear Trap

Road in Milton (referred to as the West Milton Bridge upstream

to the top of first dam (Peterson Dam)) in Milton.

Winooski River -From the Winooski One Hydro dam west of Main

Street (US 7) in  Winooski and Burlington and extending

downstream to the downstream side of the first railroad bridge.

Franklin County

Missisquoi River - From the top of the Swanton dam in the Village of

Swanton downstream approximately 850 feet to the water

treatment plant on the west side of the river, and downstream

approximately 850 feet to the upstream end of the cement

breakwater on the east side of the river. (1988, Fish and

Wildlife Board Reg. No. 975, eff. April 7, 1988.)

10.8 The below named waters are closed from March 16 to the Friday before the 1st Saturday in May, both dates inclusive:

Franklin County

Missisquoi River - From the top of the Swanton Dam in the Village of

Swanton extending downstream 5,120 feet to the Northwest

corner (downstream) of the Riverside Cemetery and across the

river to a pole on the Northeast bank.

10.9 The below named waters are closed to fishing year-round:

Orleans County

Clyde River - From 260 feet below the top of the abandoned Mill Dam

immediately upstream of the Number 1, 2, 3 hydroelectric powerhouse

in Newport City, upstream to the top of the abandoned Mill Dam

immediately upstream of the Number 1, 2, 3 hydroelectric powerhouse

in Newport City.

10.10 The below named waters are closed from October 1 through October 31:

Orleans County

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road  (TH

#6) upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

(Added 1961, No. 119, § 2, eff. May 9, 1961; amended 1963, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Aug. 23, 1963; 1966, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Jan. 1, 1967; 1968, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Jan. 1, 1969; 1971, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 840, eff. March 19, 1971; 1971, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. June 21, 1971; 1973, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 866, eff. Jan. 20, 1973; 1974, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 892, eff. Dec. 26, 1974; 1975, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 895, eff. Jan. 1, 1976; 1976, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 899, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; 1977, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 904, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 1978; 1977, No. 245 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. Apr. 17, 1978; 1978, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 906, eff. Oct. 21, 1978; 1979, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 913, eff. Nov. 21, 1979; 1980, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 915, eff. June 30, 1980; 1980, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 926, §§ 1-7, eff. Jan. 1, 1981; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 936, §§ 1, 5, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 942, eff. June 9, 1983; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 946, eff. Oct. 17, 1983; 1984, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 950, eff. Sept. 17, 1984; 1984, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 951, eff. Sept. 17, 1984; 1985, No. 953, eff. Jan. 1, 1985; 1985, No. 49; 1986, No. 962, eff. June 6, 1986; 1987, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 971, eff. Sept. 17, 1987; 1990, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 980, eff. Feb. 23, 1990; 1991, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 982, eff. Jan. 5, 1991; 1991, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 990, eff. Sept. 1991; 1993, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 998, eff. March 23, 1993; 1995, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Jan. 2, 1996; 1997, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Nov. 1, 1997; 1999, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. March 13, 1999; 2000 Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Oct. 7, 2000; 2003, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Dec. 6, 2002; 2004, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. June 4, 2004; 2005, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. July 21, 2005; 2005A, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. March 31, 2006; 2007, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Sept. 1, 2006; 2008, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Jan. 1, 2009; 2010 Fish and Wildlife Reg. effective Jan. 1, 2011; 2013 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2014; 2015 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2016; 2017 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2018; 2018 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2019.)

[Section 122 effective January 1, 2020; see also section 122 effective until January 1, 2020 .]

§ 122. Fish Management Regulation

1.0 Authority

This rule is adopted pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4081(b). In adopting this rule, the Fish and Wildlife Board is following the policy established by the General Assembly that the protection, propagation, control, management, and conservation of fish, wildlife and fur-bearing animals in this state is in the interest of the public welfare and that the safeguarding of this valuable resource for the people of the state requires a constant and continual vigilance.

In accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4082, this rule is designed to maintain the best health, population and utilization levels of Vermont's fisheries.

In accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 4083, this rule establishes open seasons; establishes daily, season, possession limits and size limits; prescribes the manner and means of taking fish; and prescribes the manner of transportation and exportation of fish.

2.0 Purpose

It is the policy of the State that the protection, propagation control, management and conservation of fish, wildlife, and fur-bearing animals in this State is in the interest of the public welfare, and that safeguarding of this valuable resource for the people of the State requires a constant and continual vigilance.

3.0 Open-Water Fishing, legal methods of taking fish

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Department - Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife.

3.1.2 Commissioner - Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife


3.1.3 Open-water fishing - Fishing by means of hook and line in hand or

attached to a rod or other device in open water. Fishing by casting or

trolling baited hooks, artificial flies or lures is considered open-water


3.1.4 Baited Hook - A single shank hook with 1, 2, or 3 points which

may be baited with natural or artificial bait or both.

3.1.5 Lure - A man-made device designed to catch only 1 fish at a time,

to include a spoon, plug, spinner, bait harness, tandem hook streamer or

lead head jig.

3.1.6 Fly - A single pointed hook dressed with feathers, hair, thread,

tinsel, or any similar material wound on or about the hook to which no

hooks, spinners, spoons, or similar devices have been added.

3.1.7 Handheld Spear - A manually powered spear used from above the

water's surface.

3.1.8 Speargun - A pneumatic or rubber band powered device, with a

line not to exceed 20 feet attached to a spear, used from below the

water's surface.

3.1.9 Cull Fish - Carp, tench, rudd, shad (alewife and gizzard shad), and

goldfish. Additional invasive/exotic fish species may be designated by

the Commissioner as "cull fish."

3.1.10 Immediate Control - Such constant control as would enable the

angler to respond forthwith to a fish taking their bait, lure or fly promptly

and without any delay.

3.1.11 Snagging - Snagging shall mean the intentional hooking of a fish

in a place other than the inside of the fish's mouth. No person shall pull,

jerk or otherwise purposefully and/or repeatedly manipulate a hook, or

hooks and line to snag or hook a fish in any method other than to entice a

fish into taking, by mouth, a hook, lure or fly. Repeated and/or

exaggerated jerking or pulling of the fishing line and/or hooks in any

attempt to snag fish, whether it results in physically snagging a fish or

not, shall be prima facie evidence that snagging has taken place. This

shall not apply to the use of a gaff to land a fish that has been legally


3.2 Whether still fishing, casting, or trolling in Vermont waters, a person may take fish only by using not more than two lines over which he or she has immediate control and to each of which lines is attached not more than two baited hooks, or more than three artificial flies, or more than two lures with or without bait, except that at Seymour Lake and Little Averill Lake a person may take fish only by using not more than one line.

3.3 A person open-water fishing shall not take fish through the ice, from the ice, or from an object supported by the ice.

3.4 A person shall not take any fish pursuant to subsection (3.2) unless it is hooked in the mouth. Any fish taken under subsection (3.2) that is not hooked in the mouth shall be immediately released pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4602. A fish hooked in any part of the body other than in the mouth shall be considered to be foul hooked, and shall be prima facie evidence of foul hooking.

3.5 Taking or attempting to take fish by snagging is prohibited in all Vermont Waters.

4.0 Ice Fishing

4.1 Definitions

4.1.1 Ice Fishing - Ice fishing is defined as fishing by means of hook and

line in hand or attached to a rod, tip-up, jack or bob, where the angler is

fishing through a hole in the ice, from the ice or on an object supported

by the ice. Fishing by casting or trolling baited hooks, artificial flies or

lures shall not be considered ice fishing.

4.2 Fish may be taken through the ice with not more than two baited hooks or three artificial flies or two lures on each line. A person shall not operate more than eight lines, except on Lake Champlain where no more than 15 lines may be operated, and except on Seymour and Little Averill Lakes, where not more than four lines may be operated.

4.3 A person ice fishing shall at all times, have immediate control over all lines they operate. A person ice fishing shall be able to visually observe lines they operate. Any line that indicates a fish shall be tended with 30 minutes.

4.4 A person shall not take any fish pursuant to subsection (4.2) unless it is hooked in the mouth. Any fish taken under subsection (4.2) that is not hooked in the mouth shall be immediately released pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 4602. A fish hooked in any part of the body other than in the mouth shall be considered to be foul hooked, and shall be prima facie evidence of foul hooking.

4.5 The definitions of section 3 are applicable to this section.

4.6 Taking or attempting to take fish by snagging is prohibited in all Vermont Waters.

Subdivision 5.0 effective January 1, 2020; see also subdivision 5.0 effective until January 1, 2020 .

5.0 Lake Champlain Boundaries

Lake Champlain proper shall be considered to include the setback at the same level and the major tributaries to the lake to the following boundaries:

Dead Creek to Panton Road bridge in Panton;

East Creek to the falls in Orwell (downstream of Mount Independence Road);

Lamoille River to the top of first dam (Peterson Dam) in Milton;

LaPlatte River to the falls in Shelburne (under Falls Road bridge);

Lewis Creek to falls in North Ferrisburgh (just upstream of Old Hollow Road);

Little Otter Creek to falls in Ferrisburgh Center (downstream of Little Chicago Road);

Malletts Creek to the first falls upstream of Roosevelt Highway (US 2 and US 7) in Colchester;

Mill River in Georgia to the falls in Georgia (just upstream of Georgia Shore Road bridge);

Missisquoi River to the top of Swanton Dam in the Village of Swanton;

Mud Creek to the dam in Alburg (just upstream of Route 78 bridge);

Otter Creek to the top of the dam in the city of Vergennes;

Poultney River to Central Vermont Power Dam at Carver Falls in West Haven;

Rock River to first Canadian border crossing;

Winooski River to the Winooski One hydropower dam west of Main Street (US 7) in Winooski and Burlington;

6.0 Clyde River: Catch and Release

Between September 1 and October 31, on the Clyde River from Lake Memphremagog upstream to Charleston Dam (Lubber Lake), West Charleston, a person may fish with artificial flies and lures only, and all salmon caught must be released.

7.0 Seasonally Closed Waters

7.1 The following lakes and ponds or portions thereof are hereby designated seasonally closed waters and shall be closed to all fishing except during the open season for trout as provided in section 8 of these regulations:

Adams Reservoir, Woodford

Ansel Pond, Bethel

Baker Pond, Barton

Bald Hill Pond, Westmore

Bean Pond, Sutton

Beaver Pond, Holland

Beck Pond, Newark

Beebe Pond, Sunderland

Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill

Big Mud Pond, Mt. Tabor

Blake Pond, Sutton

Bourn Pond, Sunderland

Branch Pond, Sunderland

Brown Pond, Westmore

Caspian Lake, Greensboro

Center Pond, Newark

Colby Pond, Plymouth

Cow Mountain Pond, Granby

Crystal Lake, Barton

Duck Pond, Sutton

Dufresne Pond, Manchester

East Long Pond, Woodbury

Echo Lake, Charleston

Ewell Pond, Peacham

Forest Lake, Averill

Goshen Dam (Sugar Hill Reservoir), Goshen

Griffith Lake, Mt. Tabor

Hapgood Pond, Peru

Hartwell Pond, Albany

Holland Pond, Holland

Jobs Pond, Westmore

Knapp Brook Pond No. 1, Reading and Cavendish

Knapp Brook Pond No. 2, Reading and Cavendish

Lake Dunmore-Salisbury and Leicester - Except from Sucker Brook to

the island south, which shall be open.

Levi Pond, Groton

Lewis Pond, Lewis

Little Averill Lake, Averill

Little Elmore Pond, Elmore

Little Rocky Pond, Wallingford

Long Pond, Newbury

Long Pond, Westmore

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone

Marl Pond, Sutton

Martins Pond, Peacham

May Pond, Barton

McIntosh Pond, Royalton

Mud Pond, Hyde Park

Nelson Pond (Forest Lake), Calais and Woodbury

Nichols Pond, Woodbury

North Pond, Chittenden

Norton Pond, Norton

Notch Pond, Ferdinand

Noyes (Seyon) Pond, Groton

Peacham Pond, Peacham

Perch Pond, (Zack Woods Pond), Hyde Park

Pigeon Pond, Groton

Red Mill Pond, Woodford

Seymour Lake, Morgan

Shadow Lake, Glover

Silver Lake, Leicester

South America Pond, Ferdinand

South Pond, Marlboro

Spring Lake, Shrewsbury

Stannard Pond, Stannard

Sterling Pond, Cambridge

Stoughton Pond, Weathersfield

Stratton Pond, Stratton

Sunset Lake, Benson

Unknown Pond, Averys Gore

Unknown Pond, Ferdinand

Vail Pond, Sutton

Vernon Hatchery Pond, Vernon

West Mountain Pond, Maidstone

Wheeler Pond, Barton and Sutton

Willoughby Lake, Westmore

Zack Woods, (Perch Pond), Hyde Park

7.2 All streams are hereby designated seasonally closed waters and shall be closed to all fishing except during the open season for trout as provided in section 8 of these regulations; and

7.2.1 except that the following streams shall be open to trout fishing only, and no fishing for other species shall be allowed, from November 1 to the Friday before the second Saturday in April, as set forth in Table 7.2.2.



1. Waters

2. Methods


Size Restrictions

5.Daily Bag Limit

Listed Below

Artificial fly or lure only

November 1 to the Friday before the 2nd Saturday in April:

Catch and release only

Zero-All trout must be immediately released to the water where taken:

Black River – From the top of the Lovejoy Dam in Springfield upstream to  the Howard Hill Road Bridge in Cavendish.

Deerfield River – From the Woods Road (Medburyville) bridge in Wilmington upstream approximately 2 miles to the VT Route 9W bridge in Searsburg.

East Creek (Rutland City) – From the confluence with Otter Creek upstream (approximately 2.7 miles) to the top of the Patch Dam in Rutland City.

Hoosic River – From the Vermont/New York border upstream to the Vermont/Massachusetts border.

Lamoille River – From the top of the hydroelectric dam at Fairfax Falls upstream to the top of the Cady’s Falls Dam in Morristown.

Moose River – From the confluence with Passumpsic River upstream to the downstream edge of the Concord Avenue bridge in St. Johnsbury.

Otter Creek – From the top of the Center Rutland Falls in Rutland upstream to the Danby-Mt. Tabor Forest Road Bridge (Forest Road #10) in Mt. Tabor.

Passumpsic River – From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of Arnolds Falls Dam in St. Johnsbury.

Walloomsac River– From the Vermont/New York border in Bennington upstream to the top of the former Vermont Tissue Plant Dam (downstream of Murphy Road) in Bennington.

Winooski River – From the top of the Bolton Dam  in Waterbury and Duxbury upstream to the VT Route 2/100 in Duxbury and Waterbury.

8.0 Fish - Open Seasons, Size Restrictions and Daily Bag Limits.

Fish of the species named or described in the tables set forth below may be taken:

In the waters specified in column 1, by the method specified in column 2, during the open season specified in column 3.

Provided they meet any size restrictions specified in column 4., and only in numbers listed under daily bag limits specified in column 5., under no circumstances may a person take in one day, more than the daily bag or weight limit from a listed body of water. No person may take in aggregate more than the daily State-wide aggregate limit for any species listed.

Businesses may buy lawfully taken fish, with the approval of the Commissioner, pursuant to the Commercial angling rules set forth in 10 V.S.A. App. 123.

8.1 Possession limits are equal to twice the daily bag limits. Fish species with limit restrictions may not be possessed in excess of the possession limits at any time.

8.1.1 No person shall have live fish in their possession that are transported in a manner which attempts to keep them alive when leaving waters of the State (10 V.S.A. §  1251(13)), except as follows: the person has been issued a Commercial Bait Dealers Permit by the Commissioner, the person has been issued scientific collection permit by the Commissioner which specifically approves of the activity, the person has been issued a fish transportation permit by the Commissioner which specifically approves of the activity, the person has been issued a fish breeders permit or fish importation permit by the Commissioner which specifically approves of the activity.

8.2 The daily bag limit for a fish species on a water body with a closed season for that fish species is zero.

8.3 "General waters" restrictions are the provisions applicable to all waters of the State, except the waters specifically named or described.

8.4 Unless otherwise specifically provided, fish not listed in this regulation may be taken at any time and without size or catch limit, in waters not listed as seasonally closed waters in Section 7 of these regulations.

8.5 Open Seasons, Size Restrictions and Daily Bag Limits Tables


(Maximum number of a fish species that may be taken in one day)


Brook Trout                                                    12 fish

Brown and Rainbow Trout        Maximum Combination of 6 fish

Lake Trout                              2 fish, (3 if taken from Lake Champlain)

Salmon                                                            2 fish

Large and Smallmouth Bass      Maximum combination of 5 fish

Northern Pike                                                  5 fish

Chain Pickerel                                                10 fish

Muskellunge                                                   0 fish

Walleye                                                           3 fish

Black and White Crappie                                25 fish

American Shad                                               0 fish

Yellow Perch                                                  50 fish

Yellow Perch exception                      Lake Champlain - No daily limit

Sauger                                                             0 fish


1. Waters           2. Methods         3. Season            4. Size                5. Daily Bag

Restrictions        Limit

General              Open-Water       Second               No restriction     6 trout

waters.                fishing              Saturday in

(except as                                   April through

listed below)                               October 31

Lake Champlain Open-water        No closed           Minimum length             3 trout

and ice fishing   season                 of 12 inches

Rivers and          Open-water        Second               No restriction     12 trout, of

Streams               fishing               Saturday in                                 which not

April through                             more

October 31                                 than 6 can be

brown and/or



1. Waters           2. Methods         3. Season            4. Size                5. Daily Bag

Restrictions        Limit

Listed Below:  Open-water     Second            No restriction  2 trout in

fishing        Saturday in                              aggregate

April through

October 31

Black River along Rt. 131 in Weathersfield and Cavendish, - from

Downers covered bridge upstream (approximately 4 miles) to the next bridge

across the river, The Howard Hill Bridge.

East Creek in Rutland City - From the confluence with Otter Creek

upstream (approximately 2.7 miles) to the top of the Patch Dam in Rutland


Lamoille River From the downstream edge of the bridge on Route 104 in

the Village of Fairfax upstream (approximately 1.6 miles) to the top of the

Fairfax Falls Dam in Fairfax.

Little River - From the confluence with Winooski River in Waterbury

upstream to the top of the Waterbury Reservoir Dam in Waterbury.

Missisquoi River in Enosburg and Sheldon - From the downstream edge

of Kane Road (TH-3) bridge upstream (approximately 5.7 miles) to the top of

the Enosburg Falls Dam in Enosburg Falls.

Otter Creek in Danby and Mt. Tabor - From the Vermont Railway Bridge

north of the fishing access upstream (approximately 2 miles) to the Danby-Mt.

Tabor Forest Rd. Bridge (Forest Road # 10).

Passumpsic River in the Village of St. Johnsbury - From the top of

the Gage Dam in St. Johnsbury upstream (approximately 2.4 miles) to the top

of the Arnold Falls Dam.

Moose River - From the confluence with the Passumpsic River

upstream (approximately 350 feet) to the downstream edge of the Concord

Avenue bridge in the Village of St. Johnsbury.

Walloomsac River in Bennington - From the Vermont/New York border

upstream to the top of the former Vermont Tissue Plant Dam (downstream of

Murphy Road) in Bennington.

Winooski River in Duxbury and Waterbury - From the top of the Bolton

Dam in Duxbury and Waterbury upstream to the Route 2 Bridge (east side of

Waterbury Village).


1. Waters      2. Methods      3. Season       4. Size                            5. Daily Bag

Restrictions                    Limit

Listed       Open-water   Second         Minimum length         2 trout

Below:      fishing          Saturday in   of 10 inches

April through

October 31

Lakes and Ponds

Caspian Lake, Greensboro

Echo Lake,


Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay), Coventry, Derby, Newport

City and Newport;

Willoughby Lake, Westmore

Rivers and Streams:

Orleans County:

Barton River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the US Route 5 bridge southernmost and closest to the Village

of Barton in Barton.

Black River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the VT Route 14 / 58 bridge in Irasburg.

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road (TH #6)

upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

Willoughby River - The entire Willoughby River, from the confluence

with Barton River in Barton upstream to the Willoughby Lake outlet  in



1. Waters      2. Methods      3. Season       4. Size                  5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

Listed          Open-water       Second              See                  Two fish in

below:         fishing               Saturday in        regulations     aggregate

April through   for specific

October 31        bodies of


Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill

Caspian Lake, Greensboro


Pond, Newark

Crystal Lake, Barton

East Long Pond, Woodbury

Echo Lake,


Elligo Lake, Craftsbury and Greensboro

Forest Lake (Nelson

Pond), Calais and Woodbury

Harveys Lake, Barnet

Jobs Pond, Westmore

Lake Dunmore, Salisbury

Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay), Coventry, Derby, Newport City and Newport

Little Averill Lake, Averill

Long Pond, Westmore

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone

Martins Pond, Peacham

Nelson Pond (Forest

Lake), Calais and Woodbury

Nichols Pond, Woodbury

Seymour Lake, Morgan

Shadow Lake, Glover

Spring Lake, Shrewsbury

Sunset Lake, Benson

Willoughby Lake, Westmore.


1. Waters      2. Methods      3. Season           4. Size             5. Daily Bag

Restrictions     Limit

The follow   Artificial fly    No closed           Catch and       Zero - All

ing por-        or lure only,     season for           release only    trout must be

tions of         except during   catch and                                   immediately

the speci-      the open           release only                               returned to

fied rivers     season for                                                          the waters

shall be         trout.                                                                  where taken,

open to                                                                                    except during

fishing for                                                                               the open

trout  year                                                                                season, limits

round:                                                                                      apply in

(Listed                                                                                     accordance

below)                                                                                    with the river


Open season;    During the

from the 2nd    open season

Saturday in     follow any

April through   species

October 31      restrictions

for the

selected river

Black River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of

the Lovejoy Dam in Springfield.

Lamoille River - From the Lake Champlain boundary (top of Peterson Dam in

Milton) upstream to the top of the hydroelectric Dam at Fairfax Falls.

Lewis Creek - From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the State

Prison Hollow Road (TH #3) bridge in Starksboro.

Missisquoi River - From Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the top of

the Enosburg Falls Dam in Enosburg Falls.

Ompompanoosuc River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to

the Union Village Dam in Thetford.

Otter Creek - From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to top of Center

Rutland Falls in Rutland.

Waits River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top of

the Central Vermont Power Dam in Bradford.

West River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the

Townshend Dam in Townshend.

White River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the bridge

on Route 107 in Bethel.

Williams River - From the Connecticut River boundary upstream to the top

of the dam at Brockway Mills Falls in Rockingham.

Winooski River - From the Lake Champlain boundary upstream to the Bolton

Dam in Duxbury and Waterbury.


1. Waters         2. Methods      3. Season         4. Size             5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

General           Open-water   Second             Salmon -          2 Lake Trout

Waters (all      fishing          Saturday in         Minimum  or   2 Salmon or

waters except                       April through     length of          1 of each

as listed below)                    October 31         15 inches

Lake Trout -


Length of

18 inches

Lake                Open-water  No Closed          Lake Trout      3 Lake Trout

Champlain       and ice          Season               and Salmon -   and 2 Salmon

fishing                                     Minimum

length of

15 inches

Little               Open-water  Angling:             Lake Trout -    1 Lake Trout

Averill             fishing, with second                Minimum        and 1 salmon

Lake                not more       Saturday in         length of

and                  1 line           April through      20 inches         or 2 Salmon

Seymour                              October 31


Ice fishing   Ice fishing:          Salmon -

with not       third Saturday     Minimum

more than    in January           length of

4 lines        through March     15 inches


Clyde Pond,    Open-        Second                  Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Pond,               water         Saturday in            Minimum         or 2 Salmon

Salem Lake,                fishing       April through        length of          or 2 Salmon or

Little Salem                       August 31              18 inches         1 of each

Lake, and

Clyde River

from Lake


upstream to



Dam (Lubber

Lake), West


Salmon -


length of

17 inches

Open-           September 1       Lake                            2 Lake Trout,

water            through               Trout -             0 Salmon, (all

fishing:         October 31         Minimum        salmon must be

River from                              length of          immediately

Lake                                        18 inches         released


to Charleston

Dam -


flies and

lures only

Lake                Open-water   Second              Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Memphremagog   fishing     Saturday in        Minimum        or 2 Salmon or

(including                             April through     length of          1 of each

South Bay                            October 31         18 inches

Ice Fishing   Third Saturday  Salmon -

in January          Minimum

through              length of

March 15           17 inches

Listed              Open-water   Second       Lake Trout -    2 Lake Trout

Below:              fishing                 Saturday in     Minimum length  or 2 Salmon or

April through   of 18 inches    1 of each

October 31

Salmon -

Minimum length

of 17 inches

Orleans County:

Barton River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the US Route 5 bridge southernmost and closest to the Village

of Barton in Barton.

Black River - From Lake Memphremagog upstream to the downstream

side of the VT Route 14 / 58 bridge in Irasburg.

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road  (TH #6)

upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

Willoughby River - The entire Willoughby River, from confluence with

Barton River in Barton upstream to the Willoughby Lake outlet in



1. Waters     2. Methods      3. Season            4. Size             5. Daily Bag

Restrictions    Limit

Listed       Ice Fishing         Third Saturday    See species      See species

below:                                  in January           restriction        restriction

through March   for individual  for individual

15                       body of water  body of water

Big Averill Lake, Norton and Averill;

Big Salem Lake, Derby;


Lake, Greensboro;

Chittenden Dam, Chittenden;

Crystal Lake, Barton;

Echo Lake, Charleston;

Echo Lake, Plymouth;

Eden Lake, Eden;

Elligo Lake, Craftsbury and Greensboro;

Glen Lake, Castleton, Fair Haven, and Benson;

Harriman Reservoir, Whitingham and Wilmington;

Harveys Lake, Barnet;

Island Pond, Brighton;

Joes Pond, Cabot, Danville;

Lake Bomoseen, Castleton and Hubbardton;

Lake Dunmore, Leicester, and Salisbury;

Lake Fairlee, Thetford, West Fairlee, Fairlee;

Lake Hortonia, Sudbury, Hubbardton;

Lake Memphremagog (including South Bay and the connecting waters),

Coventry, Derby, Newport City and Newport;

Lake Morey, Fairlee;

Lake Rescue, Ludlow;

Lake St. Catherine, Wells, Poultney;

Little Averill Lake, Averill;

Little Salem Lake, Derby;

Maidstone Lake, Maidstone;

Marshfield Dam (Mollys Falls Reservoir), Cabot;

Miles Pond, Concord;

Nelson Pond (Forest Lake), Calais and Woodbury;

Newark Pond, Newark

Norton Pond, Norton;

Parker Pond, Glover;

Peacham Pond, Peachman;

Pensioner Pond, Charleston;

Seymour Lake, Morgan;

Shadow Lake, Glover;

Somerset Reservoir, Somerset;

Sunset Lake, Benson;

Wallace Pond, Canaan;

Waterbury Reservoir, Waterbury;

Willoughby Lake,


Woodbury Lake, (Sabin Pond), Calais and Woodbury


1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions                          Limit

White                     Open-water           Second                   Minimum length                  1 trout

River  -                  fishing, with         Saturday in           of 18 inches

From the               artificial                April through

confluence            lures and               October 31.

with                       flies only.


Brook in



3.3 miles to

220 ft.

downstream of





Brook in


Mettawee             Open-water           Second                   10 to 14                                 2 trout, only

River -                   fishing                    Saturday in           inches                                     1 greater than

From the                                               April through       protected                               14 inches

downstream                                          October 31.         slot: (all

edge of the                                                                           trout 10 to 14

Route 153                                                                            inches must be

bridge in                                                                               released)




16 miles) to



edge of first

bridge on

Dorset Hollow

Road and



Flower Brook



1000 ft) to



edge of the

Route 30

bridge in


Winooski              Open-water           June 1 through     10 to 16                                 2 trout, only

River                     fishing                   October 31           inches                                    1 greater than

Tributaries -                                                                         protected                               16 inches

Listed Below                                                                       slot: (all

fish 10 to 16

inches must be


Winooski River Tributaries

Joiner Brook, Bolton  - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

1900 feet to the first falls.

Pinneo Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

100 feet to the railroad crossing.

Preston Brook, Bolton -  From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

2600 feet to the first falls.

Ridley Brook, Duxbury - From the confluence of the Winooski River upstream approximately

1700 feet to the first falls.

Listed                Open-water              Second                  10 to 16                                2 trout, only

Below:              fishing                       Saturday in           inches                                    1 greater than

April through       protected                               16 inches

October 31           slot: (all

fish 10 to 16

inches must be


New Haven River - From Munger Street Bridge in New Haven upstream (approximately 4.1

miles) to the South Street bridge in Bristol.

Winooski River - From Preston Brook mouth upstream (approximately 4.4 miles) to the

Ridley Brook mouth.

Batten               Open-water               Second                   All trout must                       Zero, all

Kill -                  fishing                       Saturday in           be immediately                     trout must be

From the                                               April through       released.                                immediately

New York                                             October 31                                                           released.

State line



20.6 miles)

to downstream

side of Depot

Street Bridge

(Route 11/30)

in Manchester.

Dog River         Open-water              Second                   All trout must                       Zero, all

- From               fishing with              Saturday in           be immediately                    trout must be

the                     artificial                    April through       released                                 immediately

downstream      lures and                   October 31                                                           released.

edge of the        flies only for

Junction Road   anglers 15

Bridge in           years of age

Berlin/              or older


upstream to

the top of



Falls Dam in


Listed               Open-water               Second                   No size                                   12 trout of

below:               fishing                        Saturday in           restriction.                            which not

April through                                                      more than 6

September 30                                                      can be

brown and/or

rainbow trout

in aggregate.

Open-water              October 1,             All trout must                       Zero, all

fishing                       through                 be immediately                    trout must be

October 31           released.                                immediately


Batten Kill (East Branch) - In towns of Manchester and Dorset from the downstream side of

Depot Street Bridge (Route 11/30) in Manchester upstream (approximately 5.0 miles)

to the downstream side of the US Route 7 Bridge south of East Dorset.

Green River - In the towns of Arlington and Sandgate from its confluence with Batten Kill

upstream (approximately 8.5 miles) to the confluence with Moffitt Hollow Brook in


Roaring Branch In the towns of Arlington and Sunderland from its confluence with the Batten

Kill upstream (approximately 3.0 miles) to the downstream side of the Bridge #14 on

Sunderland TH# 3 in East Kansas.

Warm Brook - In the town of Arlington from its Confluence with the Roaring Branch upstream

(approximately 0.8 miles) to the base of the so-called Hale Company Dam in East



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season                              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

Connecticut          No person             No Open Season                  All fish must        Zero - All

River and              shall take or                                                        be immediately    Anadromous

tributaries             attempt to                                                            released                 Atlantic

take an                                                                                                salmon must

anadromous                                                                                         be immedi-

Atlantic                                                                                             ately released

salmon, any



taken shall

be immediately

released in


with section



1. Waters                              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

Connecticut                          Open-water         No closed             All shad                 Zero - All

River,                                  fishing                    season                    must be                  shall must be

Including                                                                                               released                 immediately

Vermont river                                                                                                                       released




1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water and    No closed            No restriction       No more than 5

Waters (and          ice fishing              season                                                  of any one

as listed                                                                                                                 species


General                 Speargun, bow      No closed             No restriction      No more than 5

Waters                  and crossbow        season                                                 of any one

(Except                 all with line                                                                          species

seasonally             attached to

closed waters        arrow

and as listed


Lake                      Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       No more than 5

Champlain,           ice fishing,            season                                                   fish of any

not to                     speargun, bow                                                                      one species

include                   and crossbow

tributaries             all with line

attached to


Lake                      Shooting and        March 25              No restriction        No more than 5

Champlain,           Handheld Spear  through May                                       of any one

not to                                                     25, Title 10                                          species

include                                                  4606(e)




1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       No Limit

Waters (and           ice fishing          season

as listed


General                 Speargun, bow   No Closed              No restriction       No Limit

Waters                  and crossbow     Season

(Except                 all with line

seasonally             attached to

closed waters        arrow

and as listed


Lake                      Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           ice fishing,          season

not to                     speargun, bow

include                  and crossbow

tributaries             all with line

attached to


Lake                      Shooting and    March 25                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           Handheld         through May

not to                      Spear                25, Title 10

include                                           4606(e)



1. Waters               2. Methods      3. Season                  4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water      No closed                  No restriction       No Limit

Waters (and          and ice             season

as listed                  fishing


Lake                      Open-water      No closed                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           and ice              season

not to                      fishing



Lake                      Shooting and    March 25                  No restriction       No Limit

Champlain,           Handheld          through May

not to                      Spear                 25, Title 10

include                                             4606(e)



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limit

General                 Open-water           No closed             Minimum length  5 Fish

Waters                  and ice                   season                   of 20 inches

(except as              fishing

listed below)

Lake Champlain Open-water           No closed             Minimum length  5 Fish

and ice                   season                   of 20 inches


Shooting and        March 25              Minimum length  5 Fish

handheld               through May        of 20 inches

spearing                25, 10 VSA



1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions           Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       No Limit

Waters                   ice fishing            season

(except as

listed below)

Lake Champlain Open-water and  No closed               No restriction       10 fish

ice fishing             season

Shooting and        March 25              No restriction       10 Fish

handheld               through May 25



1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             All                          Zero – All

Waters                  ice fishing;            season                   muskellunge         muskellunge

(except as              Catch and                                            must be                 must be

listed below)          release with                                         released                 immediately

artificial                                                                                released

lures and

flies only

Lake Champlain Open-water and  No closed             All                          Zero - All

ice fishing;            season                   muskellunge         muskellunge

Catch and                                            must be                 must be

release with                                          released                 immediately

artificial                                                                                released

lures and

flies only

Shooting and         March 25                                             Zero Fish

handheld               through May

spearing                25, 10 VSA


8.5.18 SMELT

1. Waters              2. Methods           3. Season              4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

All waters             Open-water           No closed             No restriction       No limit

and ice                   season



1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

All waters             Open-water and  No closed             Minimum length  25 fish,

ice fishing             season                   of 8 inches            Combined


1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No closed             No restriction       50 fish

Waters                  ice fishing             season

(except as



Lake Champlain Open-water and     No closed             No restriction       No Limit

ice fishing             season

Businesses may buy lawfully taken fish, with the approval of the Commissioner, pursuant to the Commercial angling rule set for in 10 V.S.A. APP § 123


1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water          No closed             No restriction       5 fish

Waters                  fishing                   season

(except as

listed below)

Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Second                  Minimum length  5 Fish

and reservoirs       fishing                    Saturday in            of 10 inches

(Ice                         June through

fishing - see          through

special                   Nov. 30th.


Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Second                  All bass must         Zero - All

and                        fishing: Catch       Saturday in            be released            bass must be

reservoirs              and release            April through                                      immediately

(seasonally            with                       the Friday                                             released

closed)                  artificial                before the

lures and               Second

flies only               Saturday in

June, both



Lakes, Ponds        Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero - All

and                        fishing: Catch       the Friday             be released            bass must be

reservoirs              and release            before the                                             immediately

(not                        with                       Second                                                  released

seasonally             artificial                Saturday in

closed)                  lures and               June, both

flies only               dates


Seasonally,           Open-water          Only when such  No restrictions      5 fish

Closed Waters      fishing                   rivers and

- streams                                              streams are

open to trout

fishing except

as prohibited

by Section 9.2

Lake Morey,         Open-water           Second                  Largemouth          5 Fish

Fairlee                   fishing (Ice           Saturday in           bass - Minimum

fishing -                 June through       length of 14

see special            Nov. 30                inches


Lake Morey,         Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero  - All

Fairlee                   fishing Catch        Friday before        be released            bass must be

and release            the Second                                           immediately

with                       Saturday in                                          released.

artificial                June, both

lures and               dates

flies only               inclusive.

Kent Pond,           Open-water          Second                  Largemouth          10 fish, only

Killington             fishing                   Saturday in           Bass:                     1 fish greater

and Baker                                            June through        protected               than 12 inches.

Pond,                                                     Nov. 30                slot: 10-12

Brookfield                                                                            inches (all

fish between

10 & 12 inches

must be


Kent Pond,           Open-water          Dec. 1 through     All bass must       Zero  - All

Killington             fishing: Catch       Friday before        be released            bass must be

and Baker             and release            the Second                                           immediately

Pond,                     with                       Saturday in                                          released

Brookfield            artificial                June, both

lures and               dates

flies only               inclusive.

8.5.22 WALLEYE

1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  First Saturday      Minimum length  3 Fish

Waters and           ice fishing             in May through    of 18 inches

Lake                                                      March 15


(except as



Lake Carmi,         Open-water and  First Saturday      Minimum length  5 fish,

Franklin                Ice fishing             in May through    of 15 inches          provided only

March 15              Protected              1 is over 19

lengths - 17           inches

to 19 inches

(all fish

between 17 &

19 inches must

be released)

Chittenden            Open-water and  June 1 through     Minimum length  2 fish

Reservoir,             ice fishing             March 15              of 22 inches


8.5.23 SAUGER

1. Waters              2. Methods            3. Season             4. Size                   5. Daily Bag

Restrictions          Limits

General                 Open-water and  No open season    Any fish taken     Zero - All

Waters and           ice fishing                                             must be                 Sauger taken

Lake                                                                                      immediately         must be

Champlain                                                                           released.                immediately


Spawning grounds for game fish - generally

8.6 The below listed waters are declared spawning grounds for game fish and are hereby closed to the taking of fish from second Saturday in April through May 31 annually.

Chittenden County

Joiner Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 1,900 feet to the first falls.

Pinneo Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 100 feet to the railroad crossing.

Preston Brook, Bolton - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 2,600 feet to the first falls.

Orleans County

Black River - From 600 feet below the falls at Old Harman Mill in

Coventry upstream to the top of falls at Old Harman Mill in


Ware Brook - From the downstream edge of  the furthest downstream

bridge/culvert  on  Back Coventry Road (TH #8 in Irasburg)

upstream approximately one mile to top of the first major

natural  falls on Ware Brook.

Alder (Stony) Brook - From its confluence with the Black River

upstream 3 1/2 miles to the outlet of Sargent Pond, in Coventry.

Willoughby River - From the confluence of the Brownington Branch of

the Willoughby River in Brownington upstream to the

downstream edge of the bridge on Vermont Route 58 in the

village of Evansville (Brownington); and from the downstream

edge of bridge on the Tarbox Hill Road in Orleans Village

upstream to the top of the natural falls upstream of the bridge on

Tarbox Hill Road  in Orleans Village.

Dorin, Wells, Myers, Schoolhouse and Mill Brooks - From mouth of

brooks at Lake Willoughby upstream approximately 3/4 mile in

Dorin Brook, all of Wells Brook, 1/2 mile in Myers Brook, 1/4

mile in the Schoolhouse Brook and 1/4 mile in Mill Brook and

tributaries, all in Westmore. For identification purpose these

brooks are arranged in order from north to south, and flow

through Vermont Agency of Transportation structures on Route

5A number 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6, respectively.

Brownington Branch of the Willoughby River in Brownington - From its

confluence at the Willoughby River extending upstream to the

second road crossing on Brownington Chilafoux Road (TH

#15). Said crossing is located approximately 2.4 miles from

Brownington Center on Chilafoux Road (TH #15).

Country Club Brook - From its confluence with the Willoughby River

extending upstream to Hollow Road (TH #14) in Barton.

Porter Brook, Greensboro - From Caspian Lake upstream to its

headwaters. (1987, Fish and Wildlife Commissioner's Reg. No.

970, eff. April 1, 1987.)

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the bridge on Beebe Road

(TH #3) upstream approximately two tenths of a mile to the

downstream edge of bridge on Elm Street (TH #2) in Derby.

Outlet Brook - From the highway bridge near Echo Lake in Charleston

upstream to the top of dam at outlet of Seymour Lake.

Washington County

Chase Brook - From its confluence with the Dog River upstream

approximately 1/2 mile to the top of the natural falls in Berlin.

Ridley Brook, Duxbury - From the confluence of the Winooski River

upstream approximately 1,700 feet to the first falls.

Windsor County

Lilliesville Brook in the Town of Stockbridge from its confluence with

the White River upstream to the 2nd bridge on the Lilliesville

Brook Road.

Locust Creek in Bethel from its confluence with the White River

upstream to the 2nd bridge on Rt. 12.

8.7 The below named waters are closed from March 16 through May 31:

Chittenden County

Lamoille River - From the downstream edge of the bridge on Bear Trap

Road in Milton (referred to as the West Milton Bridge upstream

to the top of first dam (Peterson Dam)) in Milton.

Winooski River -From the Winooski One Hydro dam west of Main

Street (US 7) in  Winooski and Burlington and extending

downstream to the downstream side of the first railroad bridge.

Franklin County

Missisquoi River - From the top of the Swanton dam in the Village of

Swanton downstream approximately 850 feet to the water

treatment plant on the west side of the river, and downstream

approximately 850 feet to the upstream end of the cement

breakwater on the east side of the river. (1988, Fish and

Wildlife Board Reg. No. 975, eff. April 7, 1988.)

8.8 The below named waters are closed from March 16 to the Friday before the 1st Saturday in May, both dates inclusive:

Franklin County

Missisquoi River - From the top of the Swanton Dam in the Village of

Swanton extending downstream 5,120 feet to the Northwest

corner (downstream) of the Riverside Cemetery and across the

river to a pole on the Northeast bank.

8.9 The below named waters are closed to fishing year-round:

Orleans County

Clyde River - From 260 feet below the top of the abandoned Mill Dam

immediately upstream of the Number 1, 2, 3 hydroelectric

powerhouse in Newport City, upstream to the top of the

abandoned Mill Dam immediately upstream of the Number 1, 2,

3 hydroelectric powerhouse in Newport City.

8.10 The below named waters are closed from October 1 through October 31:

Orleans County

Johns River - From the downstream edge of the first bridge (culvert)

upstream of Lake Memphremagog on North Derby Road  (TH

#6) upstream to U.S. 5, in Derby.

(Added 1961, No. 119, § 2, eff. May 9, 1961; amended 1963, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Aug. 23, 1963; 1966, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Jan. 1, 1967; 1968, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. Jan. 1, 1969; 1971, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 840, eff. March 19, 1971; 1971, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. -, eff. June 21, 1971; 1973, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 866, eff. Jan. 20, 1973; 1974, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 892, eff. Dec. 26, 1974; 1975, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 895, eff. Jan. 1, 1976; 1976, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 899, eff. Jan. 1, 1977; 1977, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 904, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 1978; 1977, No. 245 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. Apr. 17, 1978; 1978, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 906, eff. Oct. 21, 1978; 1979, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 913, eff. Nov. 21, 1979; 1980, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 915, eff. June 30, 1980; 1980, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 926, §§ 1-7, eff. Jan. 1, 1981; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 936, §§ 1, 5, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 942, eff. June 9, 1983; 1983, Fish and Game Board Reg. No. 946, eff. Oct. 17, 1983; 1984, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 950, eff. Sept. 17, 1984; 1984, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 951, eff. Sept. 17, 1984; 1985, No. 953, eff. Jan. 1, 1985; 1985, No. 49; 1986, No. 962, eff. June 6, 1986; 1987, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 971, eff. Sept. 17, 1987; 1990, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 980, eff. Feb. 23, 1990; 1991, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 982, eff. Jan. 5, 1991; 1991, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 990, eff. Sept. 1991; 1993, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 998, eff. March 23, 1993; 1995, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Jan. 2, 1996; 1997, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Nov. 1, 1997; 1999, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. March 13, 1999; 2000 Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Oct. 7, 2000; 2003, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Dec. 6, 2002; 2004, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. June 4, 2004; 2005, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. July 21, 2005; 2005A, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. March 31, 2006; 2007, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Sept. 1, 2006; 2008, Fish and Wildlife Board Reg. No. 1003, eff. Jan. 1, 2009; 2010 Fish and Wildlife Reg. effective Jan. 1, 2011; 2013 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2014; 2015 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2016; 2017 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2018; 2018 Fish and Wildlife Reg. eff. Jan. 1, 2019.)