(1) Unless otherwise expressly provided by statute, the executive director may organize the office in any appropriate manner, including the appointment of deputy directors of the office.
(2) The executive director may consolidate personnel and service functions for efficiency and economy in the office.
(3) The executive director, with the approval of the governor: (a) may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs; (b) may enter into a lawful contract or agreement with another state, a chamber of commerce organization, a service club, or a private entity; and (c) shall annually prepare and submit to the governor a budget of the office's financial requirements.
(a) may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs;
(b) may enter into a lawful contract or agreement with another state, a chamber of commerce organization, a service club, or a private entity; and
(c) shall annually prepare and submit to the governor a budget of the office's financial requirements.
(4) With the governor's approval, if a federal program requires the expenditure of state funds as a condition for the state to participate in a fund, property, or service, the executive director may expend necessary funds from money provided by the Legislature for the use of the office.
(5) The executive director shall coordinate with the executive directors of the Department of Workforce Services and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget to review data and metrics to be reported to the Legislature as described in Subsection 63N-1-301(2)(b).