(1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Autism Awareness Restricted Account."
(2) The account shall be funded by: (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422; (b) private contributions; and (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
(a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422;
(b) private contributions; and
(c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
(3) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the state superintendent shall: (a) (i) ensure the inventory of Autism Awareness Support special group license plate decals are in stock; and (ii) transfer money to the Tax Commission to pay for the group license plate as needed; (b) distribute funds in the account to one or more charitable organizations that: (i) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (ii) has as the organization's sole mission to promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages who have, or are affected by, autism or autism spectrum related conditions; (iii) is an independent organization that has representation from state agencies and private providers serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the state; (iv) includes representation of: (A) national and local autism advocacy groups, as available; and (B) interested parents and professionals; and (v) does not endorse any specific treatment, therapy, or intervention used for autism.
(a) (i) ensure the inventory of Autism Awareness Support special group license plate decals are in stock; and (ii) transfer money to the Tax Commission to pay for the group license plate as needed;
(i) ensure the inventory of Autism Awareness Support special group license plate decals are in stock; and
(ii) transfer money to the Tax Commission to pay for the group license plate as needed;
(b) distribute funds in the account to one or more charitable organizations that: (i) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; (ii) has as the organization's sole mission to promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages who have, or are affected by, autism or autism spectrum related conditions; (iii) is an independent organization that has representation from state agencies and private providers serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the state; (iv) includes representation of: (A) national and local autism advocacy groups, as available; and (B) interested parents and professionals; and (v) does not endorse any specific treatment, therapy, or intervention used for autism.
(i) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(ii) has as the organization's sole mission to promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages who have, or are affected by, autism or autism spectrum related conditions;
(iii) is an independent organization that has representation from state agencies and private providers serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the state;
(iv) includes representation of: (A) national and local autism advocacy groups, as available; and (B) interested parents and professionals; and
(A) national and local autism advocacy groups, as available; and
(B) interested parents and professionals; and
(v) does not endorse any specific treatment, therapy, or intervention used for autism.
(4) (a) An organization described in Subsection (3) may apply to the state superintendent to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection (3). (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the state superintendent in accordance with Subsection (3) shall expend the distribution only to: (i) pay for autism education and public awareness of programs and related services in the state; (ii) enhance programs designed to serve individuals with autism; (iii) provide support to caregivers providing services for individuals with autism; (iv) pay administrative costs of the organization; and (v) pay for academic scholarships and research efforts in the area of autism spectrum disorder. (c) The state board may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the state superintendent to receive a distribution under Subsection (3).
(a) An organization described in Subsection (3) may apply to the state superintendent to receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection (3).
(b) An organization that receives a distribution from the state superintendent in accordance with Subsection (3) shall expend the distribution only to: (i) pay for autism education and public awareness of programs and related services in the state; (ii) enhance programs designed to serve individuals with autism; (iii) provide support to caregivers providing services for individuals with autism; (iv) pay administrative costs of the organization; and (v) pay for academic scholarships and research efforts in the area of autism spectrum disorder.
(i) pay for autism education and public awareness of programs and related services in the state;
(ii) enhance programs designed to serve individuals with autism;
(iii) provide support to caregivers providing services for individuals with autism;
(iv) pay administrative costs of the organization; and
(v) pay for academic scholarships and research efforts in the area of autism spectrum disorder.
(c) The state board may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the state superintendent to receive a distribution under Subsection (3).