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U.S. State Codes
Title 53E - Public Educatio...
Chapter 8 - Utah Schools fo...
Part 4 - Eligibility, Services, and Programs
Part 4 - Eligibility, Services, and Programs
Section 401 - Eligibility for services of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.
Section 402 - Entrance policies and procedures.
Section 403 - Educational programs.
Section 404 - Administration of statewide assessments.
Section 405 - Collaboration with Department of Health.
Section 406 - Programs for deafblind individuals -- State deafblind education specialist.
Section 407 - Educational Enrichment Program for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, and Visually Impaired Students -- Funding for the program.
Section 408 - Educational services for an individual with a hearing loss.
Section 409 - Instructional Materials Access Center -- Board to make rules.
Section 410 - School districts to provide space for programs.