(1) The state board shall, in consultation with the Department of Workforce Services, make rules that describe the standards for a high quality program operating outside of the regular school day: (a) for elementary or secondary students; and (b) offered by a: (i) school district; (ii) charter school; (iii) private provider, including a non-profit provider; or (iv) municipality.
(a) for elementary or secondary students; and
(b) offered by a: (i) school district; (ii) charter school; (iii) private provider, including a non-profit provider; or (iv) municipality.
(i) school district;
(ii) charter school;
(iii) private provider, including a non-profit provider; or
(iv) municipality.
(2) The standards described in Subsection (1) shall specify that a high quality program operating outside of the regular school day: (a) provides a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for all participants; (b) develops and maintains positive relationships among staff, participants, families, schools, and communities; (c) encourages participants to learn new skills; and (d) is effectively administered.
(a) provides a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for all participants;
(b) develops and maintains positive relationships among staff, participants, families, schools, and communities;
(c) encourages participants to learn new skills; and
(d) is effectively administered.