(1) When providing services to an individual with a disability under this chapter, the office shall, within funds appropriated by the Legislature and in accordance with the requirements of federal and state law, give priority to providing services that assist the individual in obtaining and retaining meaningful and gainful employment that enables the individual to: (a) purchase goods and services; (b) establish self-sufficiency; and (c) exercise economic control of the individual's life.
(a) purchase goods and services;
(b) establish self-sufficiency; and
(c) exercise economic control of the individual's life.
(2) The office shall develop a written plan to implement the policy described in Subsection (1) that includes: (a) assessing the strengths and needs of an individual with a disability; (b) customizing strength-based approaches to obtaining employment; (c) setting expectations, providing appropriate services toward, and recognizing success in: (i) integrated employment in the workplace at competitive wages and benefits; and (ii) self-employment; (d) developing partnerships with potential employers; (e) providing appropriate employment training opportunities; (f) coordinating services with other government agencies and community resources; (g) to the extent possible, eliminating practices and policies that interfere with the policy described in Subsection (1); and (h) arranging for alternative work experience leading to competitive, integrated employment, including work-based training, volunteer work, and internships.
(a) assessing the strengths and needs of an individual with a disability;
(b) customizing strength-based approaches to obtaining employment;
(c) setting expectations, providing appropriate services toward, and recognizing success in: (i) integrated employment in the workplace at competitive wages and benefits; and (ii) self-employment;
(i) integrated employment in the workplace at competitive wages and benefits; and
(ii) self-employment;
(d) developing partnerships with potential employers;
(e) providing appropriate employment training opportunities;
(f) coordinating services with other government agencies and community resources;
(g) to the extent possible, eliminating practices and policies that interfere with the policy described in Subsection (1); and
(h) arranging for alternative work experience leading to competitive, integrated employment, including work-based training, volunteer work, and internships.
(3) The office shall, on an annual basis: (a) set goals to implement the policy described in Subsection (1) and the plan described in Subsection (2); (b) determine whether the goals for the previous year have been met; and (c) modify the plan described in Subsection (2) as needed.
(a) set goals to implement the policy described in Subsection (1) and the plan described in Subsection (2);
(b) determine whether the goals for the previous year have been met; and
(c) modify the plan described in Subsection (2) as needed.