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U.S. State Codes
Title 32B - Alcoholic Bever...
Chapter 4 - Criminal Offens...
Part 4 - Sale, Purchase, Possession, and Consum...
Part 4 - Sale, Purchase, Possession, and Consumption
Section 401 - Unlawful sale or furnishing.
Section 402 - Unauthorized sale, offer for sale, or furnishing.
Section 403 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing to minor.
Section 404 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing to intoxicated person.
Section 405 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing to interdicted person.
Section 406 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product.
Section 407 - Unlawful sale, offer for sale, or furnishing during emergency.
Section 408 - Unlawful purchase or acceptance.
Section 409 - Unlawful purchase, possession, consumption by minor -- Measurable amounts in body.
Section 410 - Unlawful admittance or attempt to gain admittance by minor.
Section 411 - Minor's unlawful use of proof of age.
Section 412 - Unlawful purchase by intoxicated person.
Section 413 - Unlawful purchase by interdicted person.
Section 414 - Unlawful possession -- Exceptions.
Section 415 - Unlawful bringing onto premises for consumption.
Section 416 - Unlawful permitting of consumption by minor.
Section 417 - Unlawful possession by licensee or permittee.
Section 418 - Unlawful storage.
Section 419 - Unlawful permitting of intoxication.
Section 420 - Unlawful adulteration.
Section 421 - Unlawful consumption in public place.
Section 422 - Unlawful dispensing.
Section 423 - Immunity regarding alcohol consumption offenses when seeking emergency aid for another person.
Section 424 - Powdered alcohol.