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U.S. State Codes
Title 17B - Limited Purpose...
Chapter 2a - Provisions App...
Part 2 - Drainage District Act
Part 2 - Drainage District Act
Section 201 - Title.
Section 202 - Definitions.
Section 203 - Provisions applicable to drainage districts.
Section 204 - Prohibition against creating a drainage district.
Section 205 - Additional drainage district powers.
Section 206 - Drainage district board of trustees.
Section 207 - Public highways, roads, or streets or railroad rights-of-way benefitted by district works.
Section 208 - Bridge or culvert across a public highway, road, or street, or a railroad right-of-way -- Notice to railway authority -- Option of railway authority to construct bridge or culvert.
Section 209 - State land treated the same as private land -- Consent needed to affect school and institutional trust land -- Owner of state land has same rights as owner of private land.
Section 210 - District required to minimize damage when entering on land -- Penalty for preventing or prohibiting a district from entering on land.
Section 211 - Penalty for wrongfully damaging a district work.