(1) Any vacancy occurring on the County Fire Civil Service Council shall be filled by appointment by the county executive for the unexpired term.
(2) Not more than two members of any council shall at any one time be affiliated with or a member of the same political party.
(3) A member of the council may not hold, during the term of his office, any other public office or be a candidate for any other public office.
(4) Each council member shall receive $50 for each meeting of the council attended by him. The county legislative body may raise the compensation of council members as it considers appropriate. This compensation and allowance shall be a charge against the county and paid monthly.
(5) In case of misconduct, willful neglect, or inability to perform the duties of his office, any council member may be removed from office by the county legislative body upon a majority vote of the body, but the member is entitled to an opportunity to be heard in his own defense.