Section 66.004. Eligibility for Commission-Issued Franchise

TX Util § 66.004 (2019) (N/A)
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Sec. 66.004. ELIGIBILITY FOR COMMISSION-ISSUED FRANCHISE. (a) A cable service provider or a video service provider that currently has or had previously received a franchise to provide cable service or video service with respect to such municipalities is not eligible to seek a state-issued certificate of franchise authority under this chapter as to those municipalities until the expiration date of the existing franchise agreement, except as provided by Subsections (b), (b-1), (b-2), (b-3), and (c).

(b) Beginning September 1, 2005, a cable service provider or video service provider that is not the incumbent cable service provider and serves fewer than 40 percent of the total cable customers in a particular municipal franchise area may elect to terminate that municipal franchise and seek a state-issued certificate of franchise authority by providing written notice to the commission and the affected municipality before January 1, 2006. The municipal franchise is terminated on the date the commission issues the state-issued certificate of franchise authority.

(b-1) Beginning September 1, 2011, a cable service provider or video service provider in a municipality with a population of less than 215,000 that was not allowed to or did not terminate a municipal franchise under Subsection (b) may elect to terminate not less than all unexpired franchises in municipalities with a population of less than 215,000 and seek a state-issued certificate of franchise authority for each area served under a terminated municipal franchise by providing written notice to the commission and each affected municipality before January 1, 2012. A municipal franchise is terminated on the date the commission issues a state-issued certificate of franchise authority to the provider for the area served under that terminated franchise.

(b-2) A cable service provider or video service provider in a municipality with a population of at least 215,000 may terminate a municipal franchise in that municipality in the manner described by Subsection (b-1) if:

(1) the cable service provider or video service provider is not the incumbent cable service provider in that municipality; and

(2) the incumbent cable service provider received a state-issued certificate of franchise authority from the commission before September 1, 2011.

(b-3) A municipality with a population of at least 215,000 may enter into an agreement with any cable service provider in the municipality to terminate a municipal cable franchise before the expiration of the franchise. To the extent that the mutually agreed on terms and conditions for early termination of the unexpired municipal cable franchise conflict with a provision of this chapter, the agreed on terms and conditions control.

(c) A cable service provider that elects under Subsection (b), (b-1), or (b-2) to terminate an existing municipal franchise is responsible for remitting to the affected municipality before the 91st day after the date the municipal franchise is terminated any accrued but unpaid franchise fees due under the terminated franchise. If the cable service provider has credit remaining from prepaid franchise fees, the provider may deduct the amount of the remaining credit from any future fees or taxes it must pay to the municipality, either directly or through the comptroller.

(d) For purposes of this section, a cable service provider or video service provider will be deemed to have or have had a franchise to provide cable service or video service in a specific municipality if any affiliates or successor entity of the cable or video provider has or had a franchise agreement granted by that specific municipality.

(e) The terms "affiliates or successor entity" in this section shall include but not be limited to any entity receiving, obtaining, or operating under a municipal cable or video franchise through merger, sale, assignment, restructuring, or any other type of transaction.

(f) Except as provided in this chapter, nothing in this chapter is intended to abrogate, nullify, or adversely affect in any way the contractual rights, duties, and obligations existing and incurred by a cable service provider or a video service provider before the date a franchise expires or the date a provider terminates a franchise under Subsection (b-1) or (b-2), as applicable, and owed or owing to any private person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity including without limitation those obligations measured by and related to the gross revenue hereafter received by the holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority for services provided in the geographic area to which such prior franchise or permit applies. All liens, security interests, royalties, and other contracts, rights, and interests in effect on September 1, 2005, or the date a franchise is terminated under Subsection (b-1) or (b-2) shall continue in full force and effect, without the necessity for renewal, extension, or continuance, and shall be paid and performed by the holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority, and shall apply as though the revenue generated by the holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority continued to be generated pursuant to the permit or franchise issued by the prior local franchising authority or municipality within the geographic area to which the prior permit or franchise applies. It shall be a condition to the issuance and continuance of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority that the private contractual rights and obligations herein described continue to be honored, paid, or performed to the same extent as though the cable service provider continued to operate under its prior franchise or permit, for the duration of such state-issued certificate of franchise authority and any renewals or extensions thereof, and that the applicant so agrees. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity holding or claiming rights herein reserved may enforce same by an action brought in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., 2nd C.S., Ch. 2 (S.B. 5), Sec. 27, eff. September 7, 2005.

Amended by:

Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1077 (S.B. 1087), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2011.