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U.S. State Codes
Occupations Code
Title 7 - Practices and Pro...
Subtitle A - Professions Re...
Chapter 1105 - Self-Directed and Semi-Independe...
Chapter 1105 - Self-Directed and Semi-Independent Status of Texas Real Estate Commission
Section 1105.001. Definitions
Section 1105.002. Self-Directed and Semi-Independent Status
Section 1105.003. Budget, Revenues, and Expenses
Section 1105.004. Audits
Section 1105.005. Records; Reporting Requirements
Section 1105.006. Ability to Contract
Section 1105.007. Property
Section 1105.008. Suits
Section 1105.009. Administrative Hearings
Section 1105.010. Post-Participation Liability
Section 1105.011. Due Process; Open Government
Section 1105.012. Membership in Employees Retirement System