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Subchapter B. Administration and Implementation
Subchapter B. Administration and Implementation
Section 1601.051. Administration and Implementation
Section 1601.052. Rulemaking Authority
Section 1601.053. General Duties Relating to Coverage
Section 1601.054. Competitive Bidding Required
Section 1601.055. Identification of Administrative Costs in Bids
Section 1601.056. Information on Bidders and Bidding Contracts
Section 1601.057. Selection of Bids
Section 1601.058. Selection of Health Maintenance Organizations
Section 1601.059. Certificate of Coverage
Section 1601.060. Accounting by Carrier Providing Purchased Coverage
Section 1601.061. Special Reserve
Section 1601.062. Reports and Records by Administering Carrier
Section 1601.063. Assistance in Requesting Money
Section 1601.064. Pharmacy Benefit Manager Contracts