If a member has completed at least four (4) years but less than eight (8) years of credited service at the time of his termination of employment as judge he shall have a right to withdraw or leave his contributions in the fund. If he is not reemployed as a judge at the end of ten (10) years from his date of termination of employment as judge, he shall receive a refund of his contributions and thereafter shall have no rights under the system unless he is eligible for participation in accordance with § 17-517.
All other provisions of this title notwithstanding any person on February 1, 1970, who as of that date is a member of any retirement system of the state of Tennessee and who prior to that date had served as county judge for eight (8) years and had withdrawn his contributions from the retirement system for county paid judges shall be eligible to the amount of credited service which he had at the time of termination of membership in such system upon the repayment of his withdrawn contribution with interest at six per cent (6%) per annum from the time of his withdrawal of such contributions to the time of repayment of his withdrawn contributions.