(a) It is hereby determined and declared that the free circulation of traffic of all kinds through the streets and roads of counties, cities and towns in this state is necessary to the health, safety and general welfare of the public. It is further determined and declared that the greatly increased use of motor vehicles of all kinds by the public has caused serious traffic congestion in certain areas of this state, and that inadequate parking facilities for vehicles have contributed to this congestion, not only to the point of seriously interfering with the primary use of such thoroughfares, but also of impeding rapid and effective firefighting and the disposition of police matters.
(b) It is the intention of the general assembly to authorize the incorporation in the several municipalities in this state of public corporations to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, own, operate, lease and dispose of properties, to the end that such public corporations may be able to reduce this parking crisis by providing sufficient off-street parking facilities and to further incorporate such facilities within projects encompassing the full range of transportation modes relating to off-street parking, including, but not limited to, pedestrian ways, public transit and other modes of public and private transportation properly located in residential, commercial and industrial areas of the several municipalities in this state, and to vest such public corporations with all powers that may be necessary to enable them to accomplish such purposes.
(c) This chapter shall be liberally construed in conformity with such intention.