(1) Any entity, person or joint venture, as authorized under this part, seeking to provide cable or video service over a cable system or video service network facility in this state after July 1, 2008, at the discretion of the cable service provider or video service provider, may elect from among the franchise options as set forth in this section. A cable or video service provider shall not provide cable service or video service without a franchise obtained pursuant to this part, except as in accordance with § 7-59-102.
(2) A person seeking to provide cable service or video service may elect to negotiate a local cable service or video service franchise agreement with a municipal or county franchise authority and may enter into a negotiated cable television franchise agreement in accordance with Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. § 521 et seq.), or a video service franchise agreement in accordance with any applicable state or federal law that establishes the terms and conditions for the franchise agreement within the jurisdictional limits of that municipality or county, including parts 1 and 2 of this chapter. A local cable service or video service franchise agreement entered into after July 1, 2008, shall remain in force and effect through its expiration date notwithstanding the provision for terminating a local franchise agreement established in subsection (b).
(3) A person seeking to provide cable or video service, including any incumbent cable service provider, may elect to adopt the terms of a negotiated franchise agreement entered into between a cable service provider or video service provider and a municipal or county franchise authority in the service area in which the provider desires to provide service. The municipal or county franchise authority shall be required to enter into any such negotiated franchise agreement upon the same terms and conditions with any requesting provider of cable service or video service. A local cable service or video service franchise agreement that is adopted by a cable service provider or provider of video service after July 1, 2008, shall remain in force and effect through its expiration date notwithstanding the provision for terminating a local franchise agreement established in subsection (b).
(4) A cable or video service provider may elect to file an application with the department for a state-issued certificate of franchise authority for one (1) or more specified service areas in accordance with the procedures set forth in this part.
(A) The state-issued certificate of franchise authority issued by the department is fully transferable to any successor in interest in accordance with the requirements in this subdivision (a)(5). Notice of the transfer shall be provided to the department and to the governing authority of the affected local government at least ten (10) days prior to the consummation of the transaction. No later than forty-five (45) days following the consummation of the transaction, the transferor shall be required to pay any franchise fees or other amounts owed to any municipality or county. No later than ninety (90) days following the consummation of the transaction, the transferee shall apply to the department for a state-issued certificate of franchise authority. The transferee shall have interim authority to provide cable or video service pending the receipt of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority from the department. Notwithstanding this subdivision (a)(5)(A):
(i) Subject to § 7-59-305(d), if the successor entity already holds a state-issued certificate of franchise authority, it may amend that certificate to add the transferred service area; and
(ii) Any intra-company transfer of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority may be accomplished by providing the notice described in subdivision (a)(5)(A).
(B) Except to the extent permitted by applicable local permitting rules, transfer of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority does not transfer any interest or right under any local public permits for construction or work in public rights-of-way obtained by or in the name of the transferor and in no event shall a transfer of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority provide authority to a transferee to construct, maintain, or conduct any work in a public right-of-way until such time that the transferee obtains the required permits from, or is otherwise in compliance with the permitting requirements of, all applicable governmental authorities.
(1) An incumbent cable service provider or an entity or person providing video service on July 1, 2008, under a franchise previously granted by a municipality or county may elect to terminate one (1) or more of its municipal or county franchises at its option and seek a state-issued certificate of franchise authority by filing an application for a state-issued certificate of franchise authority for one (1) or more specified service areas with the department in accordance with the procedures set forth in this part. The municipal or county franchise is terminated on the date the department issues the state-issued certificate of franchise authority and no provision of the terminated local franchise is enforceable thereafter, except that until the date upon which the local franchise would have naturally expired, an incumbent cable service provider or entity or person providing cable or video services under a local franchise agreement that is terminated pursuant to this part shall not reduce or otherwise diminish access to cable or video services of any subscriber as of the date of termination if the subscriber does not have access to cable or video services from another local franchise holder or a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority.
(2) An incumbent cable service provider may elect to continue to operate under one (1) or more local franchises at its option and to apply to the department for a state-issued certificate of franchise authority to continue to operate with respect to one (1) or more other service areas not covered by the local franchises. Any incumbent cable service provider providing service under an expired local franchise, including a local franchise that expires at any time prior to July 1, 2008, shall follow the procedure set forth in § 7-59-307(a) to obtain either a local or state-issued certificate of franchise authority.
(A) If an incumbent cable service provider or entity or person who chooses to terminate its local franchise agreement to obtain a state-issued certificate of franchise authority as provided in subdivision (b)(1) is providing to a municipality or county an institutional data network funded pursuant to the local franchise agreement, however defined or referenced in the local incumbent franchise, but generally including private line data network capacity for noncommercial purposes that is in existence as of January 1, 2008, and is funded via a line item per subscriber charge, then the incumbent cable service provider shall continue to provide the data network and a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority serving the municipality or county is required to remit to the affected municipality or county the same per subscriber charge collected by the incumbent cable provider until the natural termination date of the local franchise.
(B) All cable and video service providers, including a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority, may designate that portion of the subscriber's bill attributable to any payment required under this subdivision (b)(3) as a separate item on the bill for recovery of such amount from the subscriber. The fees shall be collected by the cable or video service provider or holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority and paid to the municipality or county. The municipality or county shall then remit or otherwise provide credit to the incumbent cable provider in a manner consistent with the local franchise agreement.
(4) For any other institutional data networks in existence and provided by an incumbent cable provider on January 1, 2008, the incumbent cable provider shall continue to provide and fund the institutional network as set forth in its local franchise agreement and may petition the department for an order requiring all cable and video service providers and holders of state-issued certificates of franchise authority whose service area includes the affected municipality or county to contribute to the funding of the institutional network on a per subscriber basis in the municipality or county and to approve the appropriate per subscriber charge. To obtain such an order, the incumbent cable provider shall demonstrate to the department that it had the right to recover its costs on a per subscriber basis under its local franchise agreement and shall also demonstrate the reasonable recovery cost, consistent with its local franchise agreement and consistent with applicable federal law, relating to the institutional network. The department shall review and establish the accuracy of the information provided by the incumbent cable provider after notice and an opportunity for any provider or holder who may, under this subdivision (b)(4), be required to contribute, to challenge the information before the department.