(a) In order to enable this state to assume responsibility for enforcement of federal manufactured home construction and safety standards established under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, compiled in 42 U.S.C. § 5401 et seq., the division of fire prevention shall submit to the secretary of the department of housing and urban development a plan for enforcement of such standards. The division of fire prevention, under the supervision and direction of the commissioner of commerce and insurance, shall be responsible for administering the plan throughout the state. The commissioner shall submit to the secretary, as part of the plan, a schedule of inspection fees in an amount to cover the cost of inspection. These fees are to be paid by each manufactured home manufacturer located in the state.
(b) For the purpose of implementing such plan, the commissioner is granted all powers with respect to enforcement of the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, amendments to the act, and regulations promulgated under the act that this state is now or hereafter permitted or required to possess. The commissioner may enter into whatever agreements with the department of housing and urban development, or agency, instrumentality, or representative of the department, the commissioner deems necessary and appropriate for carrying out the commissioner's responsibilities under this section.