(a) All contracts for home loans made by a nonprofit lender with a zero percent (0%) interest rate or low interest rate loan must contain the following restrictive covenant:
(b) As used in this section:
(1) “Home loan” means a term loan which secures a one (1) to four (4) family dwelling used as the primary residence of the borrower; and
(2) “Low interest loan” means a home loan that carries an interest rate that is two (2) percentage points or more below the yield on United States treasury securities with a comparable maturity at the time the loan is made.
(c) Each mortgage or deed of trust securing a home loan as provided in subsection (a) shall state on the face of the instrument prominently displayed:
(d) A lender may reasonably rely on such statement or lack thereof appearing on the face of the instrument as conclusive proof of the existence or nonexistence of a restricted home loan as provided in subsection (a).