(a) The department of transportation has the power and authority relative to commercial railroads, interurban railroads, and street railroads to inspect the conditions existing on all trains operating in Tennessee, along the rail rights-of-way, in rail yards and terminals, and at rail loading and unloading facilities connected to property owned or operated by the railroads, except for those areas of loading and unloading facilities requiring no access for service by Class I railroads. This power and authority is in addition to those granted in § 65-11-107. Such inspection shall be conducted for the purpose of assuring the safety, health and comfort of rail customers, the general public and rail employees, and for the purpose of abating and removing any dangerous or unhealthy conditions found to exist in these locations.
(b) The department of transportation, on its own motion or on the petition of any citizen, shall have a hearing on the question embraced within this section, as to the presence of dangerous or unhealthy conditions of trains or along the rights-of-way, yards and terminals of all commercial railroads and street railroads.
(c) It is the duty of the department of transportation, after the hearing, to order the abatement and removal of any dangerous or unhealthy condition, if found to exist, and to order improvements to be made remedying same, when such conditions are shown to be dangerous to the health and safety of the general public or the employees.