(1) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend, at law or in equity, in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties;
(2) To have a seal and to alter the same at pleasure; provided, however, the absence thereof shall have no effect on the validity of any document, instrument or other writing;
(3) To plan, establish, acquire, whether by purchase, exchange, gift, devise, lease, the exercise of the power of eminent domain or otherwise, and to construct, equip, furnish, improve, repair, extend, maintain and operate one (1) or more systems within or without the geographic boundary and service areas of the county or districts as such boundaries now or may hereafter exist, including all real and personal property, facilities and appurtenances that the board of the authority may deem necessary in connection therewith and regardless of whether or not such system shall then be in existence;
(4) To enter into agreements with the county, the districts and any municipality for the orderly transfer of all or any part of the system of the county, the districts or such municipality and, to the extent permitted by law and contract, to assume, to reimburse or to otherwise agree to pay outstanding obligations or liabilities of the county, the districts or such municipality incurred to acquire, extend or equip the system;
(5) To enter into agreements with the county, the districts and any other municipality, to acquire by lease, gift, purchase or otherwise any system or property related thereto, of the county, the districts or such municipality and operate such system separately or as a part of its systems or enter into agreements with the county, the districts or any municipality providing for the operation by the authority of the system, or any portion thereof, owned by the county, the districts or municipality;
(6) To acquire, whether by purchase, exchange, gift, devise, lease, the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or otherwise, any and all types of property, franchises, assets and liabilities, whether real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, and whether or not subject to mortgages, liens, charges or other encumbrances and to hold, sell, lease, exchange, donate or convey its properties, facilities, services, but only for the purpose of continuing operation of any system by the authority, whenever the board of the authority shall find such action to be in furtherance of the purposes for which the authority is hereby created; provided, however, revenues of any system of the authority are hereby accounted for in such manner as not to impair the obligations of contract with reference to bond issues or other legal obligations of the transferor and shall fully protect and preserve the contract rights vested in the owners of outstanding bonds, obligations or contractual interests; provided, further, any income from the sale of such properties, facilities and services shall be dedicated to the continued operation of any system by the authority;
(7) To buy, sell, store, treat and distribute water; to collect and provide treatment for wastewater from, with or to any municipality or other governmental unit of the state or any agency thereof or the United States or any agency thereof, or any persons whether public or private; and to enter into contracts, agreements, or other arrangements with the county, districts, any municipality or other persons in connection therewith;
(8) To make and enter into all contracts, trust instruments, agreements and other instruments with the county, districts, any municipality, the state or agency thereof, the United States or any agency thereof, or any person, including, without limitation, bonds, notes, loan agreements with the Tennessee local development authority or the Tennessee department of environment and conservation and other forms of indebtedness as if it were a local government as such term is defined in applicable statutes governing grants and loans, to construct, equip or extend the system and to enter into contracts for the management and operation of a system or any facilities or service of the authority for the treatment, processing collection, distribution, storage, transfer or disposal of water and wastewater;
(9) To incur debts, to borrow money, to issue bonds and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof;
(10) To apply for, accept and pledge donations, contributions, loans, guarantees, financial assistance, capital grants or gifts from the county, districts and municipality, the state or any agency thereof, the United States or any agency thereof, or any person, whether public or private, for or in aid of the purposes of the authority, to enter into agreements in connection therewith and to accept the same;
(11) To pledge all or any part of the revenues, receipts, donations, contributions, loans, guarantees, financial assistance, capital grants or gifts of the authority, to mortgage and pledge one (1) or more of its systems or any part or parts thereof, whether then owned or thereafter acquired, and to assign and pledge all or any part of its interest in and rights under contracts and other instruments relating thereto as security for the payments of the principal, premium, if any, and interest on bonds, refunding bonds, loan agreements or notes issued by the authority;
(12) To have control of its systems, facilities and services with the right and duty to establish and charge rates, fees, rental, tolls, deposits and other charges for the use of the facilities and services of the authority, of the sale of materials or commodities by the authority and to collect revenues and receipts therefrom, not inconsistent with the rights of holders of its bonds, refunding bonds and notes;
(13) To enter onto any lands, waters and premises for the purpose of making surveys, soundings and examinations in and for the furtherance of the purposes authorized by this part;
(14) To use any right-of-way, easement or other similar property right necessary or convenient in connection with a system held by the state or any political subdivision thereof; provided, the governing body of such political subdivision consents to such use;
(15) To employ and pay compensation to such agents, including attorneys, accountants, engineers, architects and financial advisors, as the board shall deem necessary for the business of the authority;
(16) To employ and pay compensation to such employees, including a general manager, who shall have such authority, duties and responsibilities as the board deems necessary;
(17) To procure and enter into contracts for any type of insurance or indemnity against loss or damage to property from any cause, including loss of use and occupancy, against death or injury of any act of any member, officer or employee of the authority in the performance of the duties of the office or employment or any other insurable risk, including the payment of its bonds, refunding bonds or notes, as the board in its discretion may deem necessary;
(18) To enter into, by contract with the county and/or the districts, or otherwise, a plan for pension, disability, hospitalization and death benefits for the officers and employees of the authority;
(19) To exercise all powers expressly given to it and necessarily implied therefrom, to make and execute contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient to do any and all things for the exercise of its powers hereunder, and to establish and make rules and regulations not inconsistent with this part, deemed expedient for the management of the authority's affairs;
(20) To adopt by majority vote of the board the purchasing procedures for utility districts as defined in title 7, chapter 82, part 8; and
(21) To make all necessary investments, in the discretion of the board, consistent with the powers of local governments to make such investments as provided in § 9-1-107.