(a) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the drafters, students, clerks of the work superintendents and other employees of lawfully practicing architects, engineers and landscape architects under this chapter from acting under the instruction, control or supervision of the employer or to prevent the employment of superintendents on the construction, enlargement or alterations of buildings or any appurtenance to buildings, or prevent such superintendents from acting under the immediate personal supervision of registered architects, registered engineers or registered landscape architects by whom the plans and specifications of the building enlargements, constructions or alterations were prepared.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall prevent persons, mechanics or builders from making plans, specifications for or supervising the erection, enlargement or alterations of buildings or any appurtenance to buildings, to be constructed by themselves or their employees exclusively for their own use and occupancy, unless the same involves the public health or safety; provided, that the working drawings for such constructions are signed by the authors of the drawings and their true appellations as “contractor,” “carpenter,” etc., without the use in any form of the title “architect,” “engineer” or “landscape architect.”