(1) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out this part in compliance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5;
(2) Design and adopt an official seal for licensed professional soil scientists to be applied to all drawings, reports, maps, documents, or other papers involving practicing soil science as defined in this part, that have been prepared or approved by a licensed soil scientist or a subordinate employee under such soil scientist's direction for the use of or for delivery to any person or for public record within this state. Such drawings, reports, maps, documents, or other papers shall be signed by the licensee and impressed with the licensee's seal. Such acts shall indicate a licensee's responsibility for such drawings, reports, or other papers or documents;
(3) Set the amount of all fees required by this part;
(4) Promulgate rules requiring continuing education;
(5) Identify and approve continuing education programs for persons regulated by the commissioner under this part;
(6) Receive, administer, and account for all moneys derived under this part and transfer such funds to the state treasurer who shall keep such moneys in a fund, herein established, to be known as the “geologist and soil scientist regulatory fund”. The fund shall be used to defray expenses incurred in the administration of the Geologist Licensure Act of 2007, compiled in chapter 36, part 1 of this title, and this chapter;
(7) Prepare, administer, and grade a nationally recognized soil scientist examination for the purposes of licensure as required by this part; and
(8) Have such other powers and duties as are necessary to effectuate this part.