(a) All locksmith apprentices of any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, public or private institution or state agency with access to records, diagrams, key codes or other sensitive material pertaining to proposed or installed master key systems, any proposed or installed lock or any safe opening procedure shall be registered with the commissioner.
(b) Any person required to be registered shall make written application to the commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner. The application shall disclose the name of the business entity and the names of all locksmiths currently employed by the business entity. The commissioner shall verify that all named locksmiths are properly licensed locksmiths in the state. The application shall contain details of the applicant's training, experience and other qualifications relevant to locksmithing. An application fee as set by the commissioner shall accompany the application. The application shall also be accompanied by the following documents:
(1) Proof that the applicant is at least sixteen (16) years of age;
(2) A set or sets of classifiable fingerprints on standard FBI/TBI applicant cards;
(3) A recent color photograph or photographs of acceptable quality for identification; and
(4) Statements of any criminal records. Certain criminal convictions may disqualify an applicant for registration as a locksmith apprentice; however, rehabilitation of individuals with a criminal record or records may be considered at the commissioner's discretion. Persons convicted of offenses involving fraud or theft shall not be entitled to registration as a locksmith apprentice.
(c) If the application is satisfactory to the commissioner, then the commissioner shall issue to the applicant a certificate as a registered apprentice. Included in the documents issued by the commissioner shall be a photo identification card on which the commissioner shall state the registrant's name, address, employer, licensure number and the expiration date of the licensure. The photo identification card shall be carried by the registrant at all times when performing duties as a registered apprentice and shall be shown upon request.
(d) Certificates of registration shall expire on the last day of the twenty-fourth month following their issuance or renewal and shall become invalid on that date, unless renewed.
(e) It shall be the duty of the commissioner to notify every person registered under this chapter by mail of the date of expiration of the person's certificate of registration and the amount of fee required for its renewal for two (2) years. Renewal notices shall be mailed to the last known address of the registrant ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of the certificate.
(f) The renewal must be received in the office of the commissioner thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the certificate.
(g) The fee to be paid before the renewal of a certificate of registration after the expiration date shall be increased ten percent (10%) for each month or fraction of a month that payment for renewal is late; provided, that the maximum fee for a late renewal shall not exceed twice the normal fee.
(h) Locksmith apprentice registrations may be renewed up to ninety (90) days after their expiration by payment of the renewal fee plus a penalty established by the commissioner for each month, or portion thereof, which elapses before payment is tendered. In the event that the renewal payment is not tendered within the specified time frame, the locksmith apprentice shall submit a new application for registration as in the case of the issuance of the original registration.
(1) An individual holding a valid certificate of registration as an apprentice pursuant to this section for at least two (2) years shall be eligible to take any examination required by the commissioner for initial licensure.
(2) An individual holding a valid certificate of registration as an apprentice pursuant to this section for at least four (4) years shall be exempt from taking any qualifying education as required by the commissioner prior to initial licensure.