(a) At the direction of the governor, the head of each executive department and independent agency shall select from within such department or agency a person to be designated as the emergency services coordinator (ESC) for the department or agency together with an alternate ESC.
(b) The ESC is responsible for coordinating with TEMA and reporting to that agency on emergency preparedness issues, preparing and maintaining emergency preparedness and postdisaster response and recovery plans for their agency, maintaining rosters of personnel to assist in disaster operations, and coordinating appropriate training for agency personnel.
(c) These individuals shall be responsible for ensuring that each state facility, such as a prison, office building, or university, has a disaster preparedness plan that is reviewed by the applicable local emergency management agency and approved by TEMA.
(d) The head of each department or agency shall notify TEMA, in writing, of the person initially designated as the ESC for such agency and the ESC's alternate, and of any changes in persons so designated thereafter.
(e) Upon the designation of the ESC, the department or agency shall provide the necessary equipment to the ESC as prescribed by TEMA for the performance of the duties of the ESC.
(f) TEMA shall, in consultation with the department of human resources, develop a mechanism to provide for a salary supplement for the appointed ESC, subject to available funding.
(g) TEMA shall notify the governor of compliance with this section.