(a) Each individual policy of credit life insurance on which the premium is paid by the debtor and each group certificate for which an identifiable charge is made to the debtor shall provide that, in the event of termination of the insurance prior to the scheduled maturity date of the indebtedness, any refund or premium or identifiable charge due shall be paid or credited promptly to the debtor. If a debtor has paid a premium or an identifiable charge for credit life insurance to the creditor and the insurance is declined by the insurer or otherwise does not become effective, the insurer or creditor shall immediately give written notice to the debtor and shall promptly arrange for refund or credit to the debtor of any premium or identifiable charge paid by the debtor for the insurance plus interest and fees charged on the premium or identifiable charge.
(1) The refund of premiums or identifiable charges, in the case of level term credit life insurance and of reducing term credit life insurance on which premiums are payable other than by a single premium, shall be equal to the pro rata unearned gross premium, and in the case of reducing term credit life insurance paid by a single premium shall be equal to the amount computed by the sum of digits formula commonly known as the “Rule of 78”; however, refunds calculated at less than one dollar ($1.00) need not be made. If fifteen (15) days or less of a loan month has been earned, no charge may be made, but if over fifteen (15) days, a full month may be charged.
(2) The formulae to be used in computing the amounts of the return premiums shall be filed with and approved by the commissioner.
(c) An insurer shall promptly refund to an individual policyholder, and refund or credit to a group policyholder, any refund of premium due on termination of insurance prior to the scheduled maturity date of the indebtedness, and a group policyholder or creditor shall promptly refund or credit to the debtor any refund due. If an amount at least equal to the amount of any premium refund is still owed to the creditor on the indebtedness as covered, then the creditor may elect to apply the amount of the refund to the indebtedness. It shall be the obligation of the insured to notify the insurer of any early payoff of the indebtedness that is covered by insurance. Insurers shall establish procedures by which the refunds or credits are made. Each individual policy or group certificate of credit life insurance issued after January 1, 2006, shall provide a notice in the policy or certificate that it is the obligation of the insured to notify the insurer of any early payoff of the indebtedness that is covered by the insurance and that the insured may be entitled to a refund.