(a) Automobile liability insurers, as defined in § 55-12-203, shall comply with any requirements set forth in the James Lee Atwood Jr. Law, compiled in title 55, chapter 12, part 2, and any rules promulgated thereto.
(b) Automobile liability insurers, as defined in § 55-12-203, shall also comply with the following requirements:
(1) Cooperate with the department of revenue or its designated agent, the department of safety, and the department of commerce and insurance in establishing, operating, and maintaining the vehicle insurance verification program, as defined in § 55-12-203;
(2) Maintain the data necessary to verify the existence of financial responsibility, including liability insurance coverage provided to its customers pursuant to the required time period established by the department of revenue, for the vehicle insurance verification program;
(3) Maintain Internet service, pursuant to the requirements established under the James Lee Atwood Jr. Law, through which online insurance verification can take place, including responding to authorized inquiries from the department of revenue or its designated agent of the vehicle insurance verification program; and
(4) Provide security consistent with accepted insurance industry and United States motor vehicle agency standards related to the transmission of personal data.
(c) Automobile liability insurers that make a good faith effort to comply with the requirements described in subsections (a) and (b), shall have immunity from civil and administrative liability as to any action related to the good faith effort.