(1) Each official establishment at which livestock or poultry are slaughtered or livestock, deer, or poultry carcasses or parts of livestock, deer, or poultry carcasses, meat food products, or poultry products are processed for intrastate commerce shall have the premises, facilities and equipment, and be operated in accordance with sanitary practices required by rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner for the purpose of preventing the entry into and movement in commerce of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat food products, and poultry products that are unwholesome or adulterated.
(2) Nothing in subdivision (a)(1) shall be construed as permitting the sale of deer.
(b) No livestock, deer, or poultry carcasses or parts of livestock, deer, or poultry carcasses, meat food products or poultry products shall be admitted into any official establishment, unless they have been prepared only under inspection pursuant to this part or the federal Meat Inspection Act, compiled in 21 U.S.C. § 601 et seq., or the federal Poultry Products Inspection Act, compiled in 21 U.S.C. § 451 et seq., or their admission is permitted by rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner under this part.
(c) Each establishment licensed under this part that freezes meat or poultry carcasses, parts of meat or poultry carcasses or meat food products or poultry products must be equipped to quick or sharp freeze at ten degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-10° F) and otherwise be equipped to process, store and deliver frozen foods according to official regulations.
(d) The commissioner shall refuse to render inspection to any establishment whose premises, facilities or equipment, or the operation of the premises, facilities or equipment, fail to meet the requirements of this section.