(a) It is an offense for any person to knowingly make a false statement or representation of a material fact or fail to disclose a material fact with intent to defraud by obtaining or increasing any benefit under the unemployment compensation law of any other state of the United States or of the federal government or of any of its territories, or of a foreign government, either for the person's own benefit or for the benefit of any other person.
(b) Each false statement or representation or failure to disclose a material fact constitutes a separate offense.
(1) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
(2) A second or subsequent violation of this section is a Class E felony; provided, that the second or subsequent violation of this section occurs after a conviction has been obtained for the previous violation.
(3) A first or subsequent violation of this section where the person has a prior conviction for a similar offense in another jurisdiction is a Class E felony; provided, that the second or subsequent violation occurs after a conviction has been obtained for the previous violation.
(4) Subdivision (c)(2) or (c)(3) shall only apply if at least one (1) of the required offenses occurs on or after January 1, 2010.