(1) It is the intent of the general assembly, as stated in § 41-22-403(2)(B), that TRICOR has as part of its mission to offset the costs of incarceration by generating revenue through the sale of products in lieu of state appropriated funds.
(2) It is further the intent of the general assembly, as set out in § 41-22-406(a)(1)(A), that the TRICOR board be as free as possible to operate its facilities and to pursue its mission with the principles of free enterprise and that it be given the powers necessary to effectively carry out its mission.
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the TRICOR board, within the principles of free enterprise, and for the purpose of carrying out its legislative intent as stated in subsection (a), is specifically authorized to sell, as surplus property, TRICOR equipment and TRICOR raw materials which have been determined by TRICOR to be obsolete, outmoded, or no longer useable by TRICOR. Such surplus property sales may be made to businesses, government or nonprofit organizations or by auction to the public. The TRICOR board may obtain the advice and assistance of the chief procurement officer and, in circumstances which are advantageous for the timely disposal of such surplus property, is encouraged to dispose of it through the procurement office under title 12, chapter 2.