(a) Each juror summons shall include the following:
(1) Name of the juror;
(2) Address of the juror;
(3) Date, time and place juror is required to appear in response to the summons or, in the alternative, date and method by which the juror is required to contact the jury coordinator or otherwise respond to the court regarding the juror's service;
(4) Penalty for juror's failure to appear or otherwise respond to the summons in the prescribed manner;
(5) Juror qualifications listed in §§ 22-1-101 and 22-1-102;
(6) Process by which the juror may attempt to be excused due to a hardship pursuant to § 22-1-103, including the juror's obligation to submit documentation in support of the juror's request; and
(7) Process by which the juror may request a postponement of jury service pursuant to § 22-2-315.
(b) The administrative office of the courts shall prepare a form juror summons that may be used by the jury coordinator in any county.