(a) If any contract, arbitration agreement or other agreement provides for the choice of a foreign law, legal code or system to govern its interpretation or the resolution of any claim or dispute and if the enforcement or interpretation of the contract, arbitration agreement or other agreement applying that choice of law provision either resulted or would result in a violation of any right guaranteed by the Tennessee Constitution or the United States Constitution, then it is the public policy of this state that the primary factor in interpretation, enforcement or application of the contract, arbitration agreement or other agreement shall be preservation of the constitutional rights of the natural person in this state against whom enforcement is sought, unless otherwise directed by state statute.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to limit the right of a natural person of this state to voluntarily restrict or limit their own constitutional rights by contract or specific waiver consistent with constitutional principles; however, the language of any such contract or other waiver shall be strictly construed in favor of preserving the constitutional rights of the natural person in this state.