The administrative office of the courts, in consultation with the Tennessee bureau of investigation and the Tennessee court clerks association, shall devise a standard form, or revise the existing uniform judgment document promulgated pursuant to Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 17, for use by judges when ordering the dismissal of charges against a defendant following the successful completion of a diversion program under title 40, chapter 15 or § 40-35-313, or the expunction of a defendant's public records following the dismissal of charges against the defendant. The suggested order shall include a place for all information the courts are required to send to the Tennessee bureau of investigation pursuant to §§ 40-15-105(e), 40-32-101(d) and 40-35-313(c) for entry into the bureau's expunged criminal offender and pretrial diversion database. Upon completion of the design of the form or revised uniform judgment document, the administrative office of the courts shall recommend to the supreme court that it promulgate a rule requiring the use of the form or revised uniform judgment document for the purposes provided in this section.