(1) The name of the agency, its mailing address, and telephone number;
(2) The legal authority for the creation of the agency and the name of the person appointing agency members;
(3) The powers and duties of the agency;
(4) The number of authorized members, together with any prescribed restrictions on eligibility, such as employment experience or geographical representation;
(5) The dates of commencement and expiration of the membership terms and the expiration date of the agency, if any;
(6) The compensation of members, and appropriations or other funds available to the agency;
(7) The regular meeting schedule, if any, and approximate number of hours per month of meetings or other activities required of members;
(8) The roster of current members, including mailing addresses and telephone numbers; and
(9) A breakdown of the membership showing distribution by county and legislative district and, only if the member has voluntarily supplied the information, the sex and race of the members. Such breakdown shall not include such information on ex officio and popularly elected members.