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U.S. State Codes
Title 7 - Elections
Chapter 5 - Qualifications And Registration Of ...
Chapter 5 - Qualifications And Registration Of Electors
Section 7-5-10. Appointment of board members; previous offices abolished; training and certification requirements.
Section 7-5-20. Deputy members of boards.
Section 7-5-30. Duties of boards.
Section 7-5-40. Supplements to counties to help defray expenses of registration office.
Section 7-5-110. Persons must register in order to vote.
Section 7-5-120. Qualifications for registration; persons disqualified from registering or voting.
Section 7-5-125. Written notification of registration.
Section 7-5-130. Time and place where books must be kept open for registration.
Section 7-5-140. Additional days and hours for registration; notice of time and place.
Section 7-5-150. Closing registration books; registration of persons coming of age while books closed.
Section 7-5-155. Registration of electors by mail.
Section 7-5-160. Voter registration; permanent registration.
Section 7-5-170. Necessity for written application for registration; information to be contain on form; oaths; decisions on applications.
Section 7-5-175. Providing voter registration application forms to high school administration.
Section 7-5-180. Procedure for registration when qualification is completed after closing books.
Section 7-5-185. Electronic applications for voter registration.
Section 7-5-186. Statewide voter registration database.
Section 7-5-210. Physically disabled persons may execute forms by mark.
Section 7-5-220. Certificates invalid at election within thirty days of issuance.
Section 7-5-230. Legal qualifications; challenges; proof of residency or domicile; appeals.
Section 7-5-240. Proceedings on appeal in court of common pleas.
Section 7-5-250. Right to and proceedings on further appeal to Supreme Court.
Section 7-5-280. State Election Commission shall furnish registration forms.
Section 7-5-310. Definitions; designations.
Section 7-5-320. Application for motor vehicle driver's license and voter registration.
Section 7-5-325. Address changes given under oath; fraud; penalties.
Section 7-5-330. Completion, receipt, and disposition of voter registration application; discretionary removal of elector.
Section 7-5-340. Duties of State Election Commission, removal of elector from official list.
Section 7-5-410. Maintenance and inspection of official registration records.
Section 7-5-420. Lists of voters for party primaries.
Section 7-5-430. Books for general and special elections.
Section 7-5-440. Failure to notify county board of voter registration and elections of change in address.
Section 7-5-460. Custody of books and return after election.
Section 7-5-470. Division of registration books into sections.
Section 7-5-610. Citizens entitled to vote in municipal elections.
Section 7-5-620. Production of identification and proof of residence.
Section 7-5-630. Municipal registration or enrollment not required.
Section 7-5-660. Preparation of registration books.
Section 7-5-670. Use and custody of registration books.
Section 7-5-675. Voter registration cards; use.