The Fire Authority having jurisdiction may, within the means of its resources, evacuate or cause to be evacuated all persons within and adjacent to burning structures, open fires, dangerous gas leaks, flammable liquid spills, and transportation incidents.
The following are exempt from the provisions of this article (1) Industrial processing and manufacturing plants which have a State Labor Department (OSHA) or Department of Health and Environmental Control approved emergency evacuation plans; (2) Hospitals and similar type health care facilities which conduct surgery or administer care through the use of life support systems and which have approved emergency evacuation plans by the authority having jurisdiction; (3) The Forestry Commission in the carrying out of its forest fire protection duties and responsibilities as provided in Sections 48-23-90, 48-33-30, 48-33-40, and 48-33-70. The Fire Authority having jurisdiction does not have the power and authority to declare a state of emergency and order and compel an evacuation of the scope and magnitude that would be necessary during an actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, flood, storm, epidemic, earthquake, riot, or other public calamity.
HISTORY: 1983 Act No. 65, Section 1.