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U.S. State Codes
Title 59 - Education
Chapter 122 - The Citadel Housing Revenue Bonds
Chapter 122 - The Citadel Housing Revenue Bonds
Section 59-122-10. Definitions.
Section 59-122-20. Authority to acquire, maintain, or rehabilitate student and faculty housing; authority to incur debt and issue bonds.
Section 59-122-30. Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
Section 59-122-40. Requirements for issuance of bonds.
Section 59-122-50. Security for payment of bonds.
Section 59-122-60. State's faith and credit not pledged for payment; board members not personally liable.
Section 59-122-70. Issuance of bonds.
Section 59-122-80. Bonds may be registered; debt by book-entry only system permitted; verification of bonds.
Section 59-122-90. Bonds and interest exempt from taxation.
Section 59-122-100. Investment in bonds by fiduciaries permitted.
Section 59-122-110. Sale of bonds by board; notice.
Section 59-122-120. Authority of board.
Section 59-122-130. Time limitation for issuance of bonds.