The Director of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, or his designee, pursuant to Section 40-73-15, may employ such personnel and prescribe their duties, powers, and functions as he considers necessary and as may be authorized by the statute and for which funds have been authorized in the annual general appropriations act. The director or his designee may assign or transfer employees from one subdivision to another or may combine the clerical and inspection forces of two or more subdivisions, as he may consider necessary and advisable.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 40-3; 1952 Code Section 40-3; 1942 Code Section 3253-13; 1936 (39) 1615; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 961, eff February 1, 1994.
Effect of Amendment
The 1993 amendment substituted the first sentence for one allowing the commissioner to appoint and assign clerks, stenographers and other employees, with approval of the division directors, to perform the work of the Department, and fix their pay, subject to the approval of the General Assembly or such agency as it may designate; and in the second sentence substituted "director or his designee" for "Commissioner" and "subdivision" for "division".