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U.S. State Codes
Title 31 - Housing and Rede...
Chapter 7 - Tax Increment Financing For Counties
Chapter 7 - Tax Increment Financing For Counties
Section 31-7-10. Short title.
Section 31-7-20. Legislative findings and intent; essential government functions; powers jointly exercised.
Section 31-7-25. Additional findings.
Section 31-7-30. Definitions.
Section 31-7-40. Obligations and pledges authorized; surplus fund distributions.
Section 31-7-50. Application of proceeds.
Section 31-7-60. State tax exemptions.
Section 31-7-70. Ordinance adoption requirements and obligation retirement.
Section 31-7-75. Municipal annexation; ad valorem tax valuation.
Section 31-7-80. Conditions for issuing obligations; approving and modifying redevelopment plans.
Section 31-7-90. Residential displacement requirements, benefits, and protections.
Section 31-7-100. County auditor certification; value assessments; extending taxes.
Section 31-7-110. Revenues and grants; county powers.
Section 31-7-120. Intergovernmental agreements.
Section 31-7-130. Government-owned telecommunications service providers.