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U.S. State Codes
Title 27 - Property and Con...
Chapter 45 - Abandoned And Loaned Cultural Prop...
Chapter 45 - Abandoned And Loaned Cultural Property
Section 27-45-10. Definitions.
Section 27-45-20. Abandoned cultural property board.
Section 27-45-30. Notice to known lender of intent to terminate loan and claim title to loaned property.
Section 27-45-40. Notice to unknown lender of intent to terminate loan and claim title to loaned property.
Section 27-45-50. Retention of record of efforts to locate lender of property.
Section 27-45-60. Vesting of title to property in nonprofit organization.
Section 27-45-70. Certification by board of compliance with requirements of chapter.
Section 27-45-80. Right to apply conservation measures to or dispose of loaned property; liability of organization.
Section 27-45-90. Right of lender to claim loaned property subsequent to expiration of notice period.
Section 27-45-100. Application of chapter.