Editor's Note
1976 Act No. 690, Article VII, Section 5, provides:
"County courts and other similar courts with jurisdiction inferior to the circuit court and the offices of master-in-equity, standing master and special referee shall be abolished on July 1, 1979, and the jurisdiction of such courts devolved upon the unified court system; provided, however, that such county courts, other courts of similar jurisdiction, and the offices of master-in-equity, standing master and special referee shall be continued pursuant to Section 22 of Article V of the Constitution until July 1, 1979, subject, however, to the provisions of Article XI, Section 2 of this act; provided, further, that the General Assembly prior to July 1, 1979, shall provide sufficient judicial manpower to assure adequate staffing for the unified court system as provided by this act."
1976 Act No. 690, Article VIII, Section 4, provides:
"A judge or master whose judicial office is eliminated by the provisions of this act shall be given credit for state retirement purposes for the time in which he served as judge or master under a formula to be determined by rule and regulation of the State Budget and Control Board."