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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 5 - Source Selection and Contract Forma...
Chapter 5 - Source Selection and Contract Formation
Chapter Notes
Section 501 - Definitions
Section 511 - Methods of source selection
Section 512 - Competitive sealed bidding
Section 512.1 - Competitive electronic auction bidding
Section 513 - Competitive sealed proposals
Section 514 - Small procurements
Section 515 - Sole source procurement
Section 516 - Emergency procurement
Section 517 - Multiple awards
Section 518 - Competitive selection procedures for certain services
Section 519 - Selection procedure for insurance and notary bonds
Section 520 - Supplies manufactured and services performed by persons with disabilities
Section 521 - Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals
Section 531 - Debarment or suspension
Section 532 - Prequalification of bidders and offerors
Section 533 - Security and performance bonds
Section 534 - Cost or pricing data
Section 535 - Printing
Section 541 - Approval of accounting system
Section 542 - Multiterm contracts
Section 543 - Effective contracts
Section 551 - Right to inspect plant
Section 552 - Right to audit records
Section 561 - Finality of determinations
Section 562 - Anticompetitive practices
Section 563 - Retention of procurement records
Section 564 - Record of certain actions