(a) The governing body of the county fails to establish a county forestland-urban interface committee within two years after the State Forester makes a request under ORS 477.029 (1);
(b) The committee fails to make a designation and classification within five years after being appointed, or the committee fails to make a designation and classification within five years of the last designation and classification made by the committee; or
(c) The committee fails to make a designation and classification in a manner consistent with ORS 477.031 to 477.054.
(2) Designation and classification by the State Forester has the same force and effect as though made by a committee for that county. However, designations and classifications made by the State Forester cease to be effective if replaced by designations and classifications made pursuant to ORS 477.052 by the appropriate committee. [1997 c.429 §16; 2007 c.30 §8]