(a) Serve as the statewide governing body for sharing and managing geospatial framework data that public bodies share under ORS 276A.500 to 276A.515;
(b) Develop and update every four years a strategic plan to manage geospatial framework data that aligns as closely as possible with the Enterprise Information Resources Management Strategy described in ORS 276A.203 and oversee the implementation of the plan;
(c) Adopt, in consultation with the State Chief Information Officer, rules, policies and standards that identify geospatial framework data that public bodies must share and that specify how frequently public bodies must share the geospatial framework data;
(d) Recommend an allocation of responsibilities among public bodies for collecting, using, managing, sharing and maintaining geospatial framework data and devise and recommend terms under which public bodies share geospatial framework data;
(e) Adopt charters, rules, policies and procedures for carrying out the council’s purposes under ORS 276A.503;
(f) Establish subcommittees, work groups and other bodies or methods of organization that the council deems necessary to carry out the council’s purposes under ORS 276A.503; and
(g) Establish and appoint members to advisory committees for the purposes described in subsection (3) of this section.
(2) The Oregon Geographic Information Council shall:
(a) Lead and coordinate efforts to accumulate, disseminate, analyze and manage geographic information, including efforts that:
(A) Provide a statewide forum for discussing and resolving issues related to geographic information management;
(B) Develop and maintain partnerships for managing geographic information among public bodies; and
(C) Identify best practices for managing geographic information and geographic information systems and determine whether and how to apply the best practices within this state.
(b) Recommend laws, rules, policies and strategies for improving geographic information collection, dissemination, analysis and management to the Legislative Assembly, the United States Congress, public bodies and other individuals and entities.
(c) Develop and submit each biennium to the State Chief Information Officer for approval a plan and a budget for collecting, using, managing, sharing and maintaining geospatial framework data and for maintaining a geospatial data library within the office of the State Chief Information Officer.
(d) Work with public bodies to:
(A) Coordinate the activities of public bodies that relate to collecting, using, managing, sharing and maintaining geospatial framework data;
(B) Develop strategies to improve geospatial framework data sharing, to reduce duplication of effort and to improve the coordination described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;
(C) Identify the types, categories, forms and other classifications of geospatial framework data that public bodies, private entities and the public need;
(D) Disseminate information about projects that various public bodies are undertaking with respect to geospatial framework data and other geographic information;
(E) Invite participation in developing, reviewing and updating the strategic plan described in subsection (1)(b) of this section;
(F) Recommend legislation to enhance geospatial framework data management and sharing among public bodies; and
(G) Recommend to the Legislative Assembly strategies for eliminating the fees that public bodies charge to other public bodies for geospatial framework data under ORS 190.050 or 192.324.
(e) Review periodically plans, grant proposals and budget requests that public bodies make for the purpose of digital mapping and identify opportunities for collaboration and shared investment that reduce unnecessary duplication of effort.
(f) Report on the plan described in paragraph (c) of this subsection and the council’s other activities to the State Chief Information Officer, the Governor and the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Management and Technology on or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year.
(3)(a) The council may establish an advisory committee for any purpose, and, subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection, membership on an advisory committee is open to any person.
(b) If the council establishes one or more advisory committees for the purpose of advising the council concerning the development, collection, sharing or aggregation of geospatial framework data, the council shall establish each advisory committee with reference to the committee members’ expertise or ability to advise the council concerning a particular category of geospatial framework data.
(c) Each advisory committee the council establishes under paragraph (b) of this subsection shall:
(A) Identify particular geospatial framework data that public bodies should share;
(B) Recommend a schedule for sharing the geospatial framework data that the committee identifies in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;
(C) Recommend processes, work flow, procedures and necessary funding for collecting, using, managing, sharing and maintaining geospatial framework data; and
(D)(i) Recommend and coordinate recommendations from other sources for data formats, security standards and other standards for collecting, storing, transferring, maintaining and managing geospatial framework data;
(ii) Submit the recommendations to the council and the State Chief Information Officer; and
(iii) Update and revise the recommendations periodically to account for new circumstances.
(d) Members of an advisory committee may not receive compensation, but the State Chief Information Officer, at the State Chief Information Officer’s discretion, may reimburse members of an advisory committee for actual and necessary travel and other expenses the members incur in performing the members’ duties, in the manner and amounts provided for in ORS 292.495, from funds appropriated to the State Chief Information Officer for the carrying out the council’s purposes. [2017 c.166 §3]