(a) The city’s deadline for completing a housing capacity analysis under ORS 197.296 (2)(a);
(b) The city’s deadline for completing a housing capacity analysis under ORS 197.296 (10)(b); or
(c) A date scheduled by the Land Conservation and Development Commission following the allocation of housing capacity to the city by a metropolitan service district under ORS 197.299 (2)(d).
(2) A housing production strategy must include a list of specific actions, including the adoption of measures and policies, that the city shall undertake to promote development within the city to address a housing need identified under ORS 197.296 (6) for the most recent 20-year period described in ORS 197.296 (2)(b). Actions under this subsection may include:
(a) The reduction of financial and regulatory impediments to developing needed housing, including removing or easing approval standards or procedures for needed housing at higher densities or that is affordable;
(b) The creation of financial and regulatory incentives for development of needed housing, including creating incentives for needed housing at higher densities or that is affordable; and
(c) The development of a plan to access resources available at local, regional, state and national levels to increase the availability and affordability of needed housing.
(3) In creating a housing production strategy, a city shall review and consider:
(a) Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of households living in existing needed housing;
(b) Market conditions affecting the provision of needed housing;
(c) Measures already adopted by the city to promote the development of needed housing;
(d) Existing and expected barriers to the development of needed housing; and
(e) For each action the city includes in its housing production strategy:
(A) The schedule for its adoption;
(B) The schedule for its implementation;
(C) Its expected magnitude of impact on the development of needed housing; and
(D) The time frame over which it is expected to impact needed housing.
(4) The housing production strategy must include within its index a copy of the city’s most recently completed survey under ORS 456.586 (2).
(5) The adoption of a housing production strategy is not a land use decision and is not subject to appeal or review except as provided in ORS 197.291. [2019 c.640 §4]