(a) Ensure that in developing new information systems, data can be retrieved to support evaluating criminal justice planning and programs, including, but not limited to, evaluating the ability of the programs to reduce future criminal conduct;
(b) Ensure that maximum effort is made for the safety of public safety officers;
(c) Establish methods and standards for data interchange and information access between criminal justice information systems, in compliance with information technology rules, policies and standards that the State Chief Information Officer adopts;
(d) Design and implement improved applications for exchange of agency information; and
(e) Implement the capability to exchange images between criminal justice agencies.
(2) The program shall develop a plan to accelerate data sharing and information integration among criminal justice agencies. The plan must include, but is not limited to including, priorities, timelines, development costs, resources needed, the projected ongoing cost of support, critical success factors and any known barriers to accomplishing the plan. The plan must align with and support the Enterprise Information Resources Management Strategy described in ORS 276A.203. Representatives of criminal justice agencies and public safety agencies, including but not limited to local law enforcement agencies, courts of criminal jurisdiction, district attorneys, city attorneys with criminal prosecutive functions, public defender organizations established under ORS chapter 151, community corrections directors, jail managers and county juvenile departments, shall be invited to participate in the planning process. The program shall present the plan to the State Chief Information Officer no later than May 30 of each even-numbered year for development of the Governor’s budget. The program shall submit the plan to the Joint Legislative Committee on Information Management and Technology no later than December 31 of each even-numbered year.
(3) Notwithstanding the meaning given "criminal justice agency" in ORS 181A.010, as used in this section and ORS 181A.270, "criminal justice agency" includes, but is not limited to:
(a) The Judicial Department;
(b) The Attorney General;
(c) The Department of Corrections;
(d) The Department of State Police;
(e) Any other state agency with law enforcement authority designated by order of the Governor;
(f) The Department of Transportation;
(g) The State Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision;
(h) The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training;
(i) The State Department of Fish and Wildlife;
(j) The Oregon Liquor Control Commission;
(k) The Oregon Youth Authority;
(L) The Youth Development Division; and
(m) A university that has established a police department under ORS 352.121 or 353.125. [Formerly 181.715; 2016 c.117 §40]