Any person, firm or corporation who removes, defaces, alters, changes, destroys, covers, obliterates or makes a substitution of any trademark, distinguishing or identification number, serial number or mark, on or from any machine or electrical or mechanical device or apparatus, and thereafter sells or resells or offers for sale or resale the same in such condition, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Laws 1953, p. 97, § 1.
§21-1547. Person acquiring machine or device with mark removed, altered, etc.
Any person, firm or corporation who acquires, for the purpose of sale or resale and possesses any machine or electrical or mechanical device or apparatus, or any of the parts thereof, from or on which any trademark, distinguishing or identification number, serial number or mark has been removed, covered, altered, changed, defaced, destroyed, obliterated or substituted for, is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless within ten (10) days after such machine or electrical or mechanical device or apparatus, or any such part thereof, shall have come into his or its possession, said person, firm or corporation files with the chief law enforcement officer of the municipality in which the machine or electrical or mechanical device or apparatus or any such part thereof is located, or to the county sheriff of the county wherein said property is located if not within a municipality, a verified statement showing: The source of his or its title, identification or distinguishing number or serial number or mark, if known, and, if known, the manner of and reason for such mutilation, change, alteration, concealment, defacement or substitution, the length of time such machine or electrical or mechanical device or apparatus or part has been held, and the price paid therefor, and provided further, that any and all such verified statements shall be available for inspection by any interested person.
Laws 1953, p. 97, § 2.