Disclosure in credit and charge card applications and solicitation:
(1) Any application to open a credit card account for any person under a revolving loan account plan, or a solicitation to open such an account without requiring an application that is mailed to consumers shall disclose the following information, subject to subsection (8) of this section and subsections (5) through (8) of Section 3-302 of this title.
(a)Each annual percentage rate applicable to extensions of credit under such credit plan.
(b)Where an extension of credit is subject to a variable rate, the fact that the rate is variable, the annual percentage rate in effect at the time of the mailing, and how the rate is determined.
(c)Where more than one rate applies, the range of balances to which each rate applies.
(d)Any annual fee, other periodic fee, or membership fee imposed for the issuance or availability of a credit card, including any account maintenance fee or other charge imposed based on activity or inactivity for the account during the billing cycle.
(e)Any minimum finance charge imposed for each period during which any extension of credit which is subject to a finance charge is outstanding.
(f)Any transaction charge imposed in connection with use of the card to purchase goods or services.
(g)The date by which or the period within which any credit extended under such credit plan for purchases of goods or services must be repaid to avoid incurring a loan finance charge, and, if no such period is offered, such fact shall be clearly stated.
(h)If the length of such "grace period" varies, the card issuer may disclose the range of days in the grace period, the minimum number of days in the grace period, or the average number of days in the grace period, if the disclosure is identified as such.
(i)The name of the balance calculation method used in determining the balance on which the loan finance charge is computed if the method used has been defined by the Administrator, or a detailed explanation of the balance calculation method used if the method has not been so defined.
(j)In prescribing rules to carry out the requirements of paragraph (i) of this subsection, the Administrator shall define and name not more than the five balance calculation methods determined by the Administrator to be the most commonly used methods.
(2) In addition to the information required to be disclosed under subsection (1) of this section each application or solicitation to which such subsection applies shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information, subject to subsections (8) and (9) of this section:
(a)Any fee imposed for an extension of credit in the form of cash.
(b)Any fee imposed for a late payment.
(c)Any fee imposed in connection with an extension of credit in excess of the amount of credit authorized to be extended with respect to such account.
(3)(a)In any telephone solicitation to open a credit card account for any person under a revolving loan account plan, the person making the solicitation shall orally disclose the information described in subsection (1) of this section.
(b)Paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not apply to any telephone solicitation if:
(i)the credit card issuer:
(aa)does not impose any fee described in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of this section, or
(bb)does not impose any fee in connection with telephone solicitations unless the consumer signifies acceptance by using the card;
(ii)the card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously in writing the information described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section within thirty (30) days after the consumer requests the card, but in no event later than the date of delivery of the card; and
(iii)the card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously that the consumer is not obligated to accept the card or account and the consumer will not be obligated to pay any of the fees or charges disclosed unless the consumer elects to accept the card or account by using the card.
(4)(a)Any application to open a credit card account for any person under a revolving loan account plan, and any solicitation to open an account without requiring an application, that is made available to the public or contained in catalogs, magazines or other publications shall meet the disclosure requirements of paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of this subsection.
(b)An application or solicitation described in paragraph (a) of this subsection meets the requirement of this paragraph if such application or solicitation contains:
(i)the information:
(aa)described in subsection (1) of this section in the form required under subsections (5) through (8) of Section 3-302 of this title subject to subsection (8) of this section; and
(bb)described in subsection (2) of this section in a clear and conspicuous form, subject to subsections (8) and (9) of this section;
(ii)a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that:
(aa)the information is accurate as of the date the application or solicitation was printed;
(bb)the information contained in the application or solicitation is subject to change after such date; and
(cc)the applicant should contact the creditor for information on any change in the information contained in the application or solicitation since it was printed;
(iii)a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the date the application or solicitation was printed; and
(iv)a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided in the application or solicitation since it was printed.
(c)An application or solicitation described in paragraph (a) of this subsection meets the requirement of this paragraph if such application or solicitation:
(i)contains a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that:
(aa)there are costs associated with the use of credit cards; and
(bb)the applicant may contact the creditor to request disclosure of specific information of such costs by calling a toll free telephone number or by writing to an address specified in the application;
(ii)contains a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number and a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain such information; and
(iii)does not contain any of the items described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(d)An application or solicitation meets the requirements of this subsection if it contains, or is accompanied by:
(i)the disclosures required by paragraphs (a) through (f) of subsection (l) of Section 3-309 of this title;
(ii)the disclosures required by subsections (1) and (2) of this section included clearly and conspicuously, except that the provisions of subsections (5) through (8) of Section 3-302 of this title shall not apply; and
(iii)a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided.
(e)Upon receipt of a request for any of the information referred to in paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this subsection, the card issuer or the agent of such issuer shall promptly disclose all of the information described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(5)(a)Any application or solicitation to open a charge card account shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information in the form required by subsections (5) through (8) of Section 3-302 of this title subject to subsection (8) of this section:
(i)Any annual fee, other periodic fee, or membership fee imposed for the issuance or availability of the charge card, including any account maintenance fee or other charge imposed based on activity or inactivity for the account during the billing cycle.
(ii)Any transaction charge imposed in connection with use of the card to purchase goods or services.
(iii)A statement that charges incurred by use of the charge card are due and payable upon receipt of a periodic statement rendered for such charge card account.
(b)In addition to the information required to be disclosed under paragraph (a) of this subsection each written application or solicitation to which such paragraph applies shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information, subject to subsections (8) and (9) of this section:
(i)Any fee imposed for an extension of credit in the form of cash.
(ii)Any fee imposed for a late payment.
(iii)Any fee imposed in connection with an extension of credit in excess of the amount of credit authorized to be extended with respect to such account.
(c)Any application to open a charge card account, and any solicitation to open such an account without requiring an application, that is made available to the public or contained in catalogs, magazines, or other publications shall contain:
(i)the information:
(aa)described in paragraph (a) of this subsection in the form required under subsections (5) through (8) of Section 3-302 of this title subject to subsection (8) of this section; and
(bb)described in paragraph (b) of this subsection in a clear and conspicuous form, subject to subsections (8) and (9) of this section;
(ii)a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that:
(aa)the information is accurate as of the date the application or solicitation was printed;
(bb)the information contained in the application or solicitation is subject to change after such date; and
(cc)the applicant should contact the creditor for information on any change in the information contained in the application or solicitation since it was printed;
(iii)a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the date the application or solicitation was printed; and
(iv)a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided in the application or solicitation since it was printed.
(d)If a charge card permits the card holder to receive an extension of credit under a revolving loan account plan which is not maintained by the charge card issuer the charge card issuer may provide the information described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection in the form required by such paragraphs in lieu of the information required to be provided under subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this section with respect to any credit extended under such plan, if the charge card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously to the consumer in the application or solicitation that:
(i)the charge card issuer will make an independent decision as to whether to issue the card;
(ii)the charge card may arrive before the decision is made with respect to an extension of credit under a revolving loan account plan; and
(iii)approval by the charge card issuer does not constitute approval by the issuer of the extension of credit.
(e)The information required to be disclosed under subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be provided to the charge card holder by the creditor which maintains such revolving loan account plan before the first extension of credit under such plan.
(f)For the purposes of this subsection, the term "charge card" means a card, plate, or other single credit device that may be used from time to time to obtain credit which is not subject to a finance charge.
(6) The Administrator may, by rule, require the disclosure of information in addition to that otherwise required by subsections (1) through (7) of this section, and modify any disclosure of information required by subsections (1) through (7) of this section, in any application to open a credit card account for any person under a revolving loan account plan or any application to open a charge card account for any person, or a solicitation to open any such account without requiring an application, if the Administrator determines that such action is necessary to carry out the purposes of, or prevent evasions of, any subsection of this section.
(7)(a)A card issuer that imposes any fee described in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section shall transmit to a consumer at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled renewal date of the consumer's credit or charge card account a clear and conspicuous disclosure of:
(i)the date by which, the month by which, or the billing period at the close of which, the account will expire if not renewed;
(ii)the information described in subsection (1) or paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section that would apply if the account were renewed, subject to subsection (8) of this section; and
(iii)the method by which the consumer may terminate continued credit availability under the account.
(b) (i)The disclosures required by this subsection may be provided:
(aa)prior to posting a fee described in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of this section to the account; or
(bb)with the periodic billing statement first disclosing that the fee has been posted to the account.
(ii)disclosures may be provided under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph only if:
(aa)the consumer is given a thirty-day period to avoid payment of the fee or to have the fee recredited to the account in any case where the consumer does not wish to continue the availability of the credit; and
(bb)the consumer is permitted to use the card during such period without incurring an obligation to pay such fee.
(c)The Administrator may, by rule, provide for fewer disclosures than are required by paragraph (a) of this subsection in the case of an account which is renewable for a period of less than six (6) months.
(8)(a)If the amount of any fee required to be disclosed under the previous subsections of this section is determined on the basis of a percentage of another amount, the percentage used in making such determination and the identification of the amount against which such percentage is applied shall be disclosed in lieu of the amount of such fee.
(b)If a credit or charge card issuer does not impose any fee required to be disclosed under any provision of the previous subsections of this section, such provision shall not apply with respect to such issuer.
(9) If the amount of any fee required to be disclosed by a credit or charge card issuer under subsection (2), division (bb) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (4), paragraph (b) of subsection (5) or division (bb) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of this section varies from state to state, the card issuer may disclose the range of such fees for purposes of subsections (1) through (5) of this section in lieu of the amount for each applicable state, if such disclosure includes a statement that the amount of such fee varies from state to state.
(10)(a)Whenever a card issuer that offers any guarantee or insurance for repayment of all or part of the outstanding balance of a revolving loan account plan proposes to change the person providing that guarantee or insurance, the card issuer shall send each insured consumer written notice of the proposed change not less than thirty (30) days prior to the change, including notice of any increase in the rate or substantial decrease in coverage or service which will result from such change. Such notice may be included on or with the monthly statement provided to the consumer prior to the month in which the proposed change would take effect.
(b)In any case in which a proposed change described in paragraph (a) of this subsection occurs, the insured consumer shall be given the name and address of the new guarantor or insurer and a copy of the policy or group certificate containing the basic terms and conditions, including the premium rate to be charged.
(c)The notices required under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection shall each include a statement that the consumer has the option to discontinue the insurance or guarantee.
(d)No provision of this subsection shall be construed as superseding any provision of Oklahoma law which is applicable to the regulation of insurance.
(e)The Administrator shall define, in rules, what constitutes a "substantial decrease in coverage or service" for purposes of paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(11)(a)In the case of any credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, a creditor shall provide a written notice of an increase in an annual percentage rate (except in the case of an increase described in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of 15 U.S.C. Section 1661i-1(b)) not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the effective date of the increase.
(b)In the case of any credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, a creditor shall provide a written notice of any significant change, as determined by rule of the Administrator, in the terms (including an increase in any fee or finance charge, other than as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection) of the cardholder agreement between the creditor and the obligor not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the effective date of the change.
(c)Each notice required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection shall be made in a clear and conspicuous manner, and shall contain a brief statement of the right of the obligor to cancel the account pursuant to rules established by the Administrator, before the effective date of the subject rate increase or other change.
(d)Closure or cancellation of an account by the obligor shall not constitute a default under an existing cardholder agreement, and shall not trigger an obligation to immediately repay the obligation in full or through a method that is less beneficial to the obligor than one of the methods described in 15 U.S.C. Section 1661i-1(c)(2), or the imposition of any other penalty or fee.
(12)(a)Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a creditor may not impose any finance charge on a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan as a result of the loss of any time period provided by the creditor within which the obligor may repay any portion of the credit extended without incurring a finance charge, with respect to:
(i)any balances for days in billing cycles that precede the most recent billing cycle; or
(ii)any balances or portions thereof in the current billing cycle that were repaid within such time period.
(b)This subsection shall not apply to:
(i)any adjustment to a finance charge as a result of the resolution of a dispute; or
(ii)any adjustment to a finance charge as a result of the return of a payment for insufficient funds.
(13)(a)In the case of any credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan under which an over-the-limit fee may be imposed by the creditor for any extension of credit in excess of the amount of credit authorized to be extended under such account, no such fee shall be charged, unless the consumer has expressly elected to permit the creditor, with respect to such account, to complete transactions involving the extension of credit under such account in excess of the amount of credit authorized.
(b)No election by a consumer under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall take effect unless the consumer, before making such election, received a notice from the creditor of any over-the-limit fee in the form and manner, and at the time, determined by the Administrator. If the consumer makes the election referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the creditor shall provide notice to the consumer of the right to revoke the election, in the form prescribed by the Administrator, in any periodic statement that includes notice of the imposition of an over-the-limit fee during the period covered by the statement.
(c)A consumer may make or revoke the election referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection orally, electronically, or in writing, pursuant to regulations prescribed by the Administrator. The Administrator shall prescribe regulations to ensure that the same options are available for both making and revoking such election.
(d)A consumer may make the election referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection at any time, and such election shall be effective until the election is revoked in the manner prescribed under paragraph (c) of this subsection.
(e)The Administrator shall prescribe regulations:
(i)governing disclosures under this subsection; and
(ii)that prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the manipulation of credit limits designed to increase over-the-limit fees or other penalty fees.
(f)Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a creditor from completing an over-the-limit transaction; provided, that a consumer who has not made a valid election under paragraph (a) of this subsection is not charged an over-the-limit fee for such transaction.
(g)With respect to a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, an over-the-limit fee may be imposed only once during a billing cycle if the credit limit on the account is exceeded, and an over-the-limit fee, with respect to such excess credit, may be imposed only once in each of the two subsequent billing cycles, unless the consumer has obtained an additional extension of credit in excess of such credit limit during any such subsequent cycle or the consumer reduces the outstanding balance below the credit limit as of the end of such billing cycle.
(14) With respect to a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, the creditor may not impose a separate fee to allow the obligor to repay an extension of credit or finance charge, whether such repayment is made by mail, electronic transfer, telephone authorization, or other means, unless such payment involves an expedited service by a service representative of the creditor.
(15) With respect to the terms of any credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan, the term "fixed", when appearing in conjunction with a reference to the annual percentage rate or interest rate applicable with respect to such account, may only be used to refer to an annual percentage rate or interest rate that will not change or vary for any reason over the period specified clearly and conspicuously in the terms of the account.
(16) If the terms of a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan require the payment of any fees (other than any late fee, over-the-limit fee, or fee for a payment returned for insufficient funds) by the consumer in the first year during which the account is opened in an aggregate amount in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount of credit authorized under the account when the account is opened, no payment of any fees (other than any late fee, over-the-limit fee, or fee for a payment returned for insufficient funds) may be made from the credit made available under the terms of the account. No provision of this paragraph may be construed as authorizing any imposition or payment of advance fees otherwise prohibited by any provision of law.
(17) The payment due date for a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan shall be the same day each month. If the payment due date for a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan is a day on which the creditor does not receive or accept payments by mail (including weekends and holidays), the creditor may not treat a payment received on the next business day as late for any purpose.
(18) No credit card may be issued to, or open-end consumer credit plan established by or on behalf of, a consumer who has not attained the age of twenty-one (21), unless the consumer has submitted a written application to the card issuer that meets the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(a)An application to open a credit card account by a consumer who has not attained the age of twenty-one (21) as of the date of submission of the application shall require:
(i)the signature of a cosigner, including the parent, legal guardian, spouse, or any other individual who has attained the age of twenty-one (21) having a means to repay debts incurred by the consumer in connection with the account, indicating joint liability for debts incurred by the consumer in connection with the account before the consumer has attained the age of twenty-one (21); or
(ii)submission by the consumer of financial information, including through an application, indicating an independent means of repaying any obligation arising from the proposed extension of credit in connection with the account.
(b)The Administrator shall promulgate regulations providing standards that, if met, would satisfy the requirements of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(19) No increase may be made in the amount of credit authorized to be extended under a credit card account for which a parent, legal guardian, or spouse of the consumer, or any other individual has assumed joint liability for debts incurred by the consumer in connection with the account before the consumer attains the age of twenty-one (21), unless that parent, guardian, or spouse approves in writing, and assumes joint liability for, such increase.
Added by Laws 1990, c. 260, § 24, operative July 1, 1990. Amended by Laws 2013, c. 99, § 5, eff. July 1, 2013.