
Section 5310.15 - Fees.

Ohio Rev Code § 5310.15 (2019) (N/A)
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On filing an application for registration, the applicant shall pay to the clerk of the probate court or the clerk of the court of common pleas ten dollars, which is full payment for all clerk's fees and charges in such proceeding on behalf of the applicant. Any defendant, except a guardian ad litem, on entering an appearance by filing a pleading of any kind, shall pay to the clerk five dollars, which is full payment for all clerk's fees on behalf of such defendant. When any number of defendants enter their appearance at the same time in one pleading by filing a pleading of any kind, one fee shall be paid.

Every required publication in a newspaper shall be paid for by the party on whose application the order of publication is made, in addition to the fees prescribed in the first paragraph of this section. The party at whose request, or on whose behalf, any notice is issued, shall pay for the service of such notice except when such notice is sent by mail by the clerk or the county recorder.

Examiners of titles shall receive for examining title or original reference, and making report on all matters arising under the application, including final certificate as to all necessary parties being made and properly brought before the probate court or the court of common pleas, and as to the proceedings being regular and legal, one half of one per cent of the appraised tax value, the fee in no case to be less than seventy-five or more than two hundred fifty dollars, for each separate and distinct parcel of land included in the application although made up of more than one tract.

Upon a reference to an examiner of titles or to any other person upon a hearing to take evidence and make report to the court, the fee of the referee shall be fixed by the court at not more than fifteen dollars per day for the time actually employed.

For a certificate of an examiner of titles that all necessary parties are before the court, and the proceedings are regular and legal in a suit for partition, foreclosure of mortgage, marshalling of liens, or other suit or proceeding affecting the title of any interest in, or lien or charge upon registered lands, the fees shall be fixed by the court, and shall not be more than twenty-five dollars for each separate and distinct parcel of land included in the petition or application although such parcel is made up of more than one tract.

Guardians for the suit in original registration shall receive three dollars when there is no contest in which the guardian participates. In other cases such guardians shall receive such fees as the court fixes, but not more than twenty-five dollars.

For certifying pending suits, judgments, liens, attachments, executions, or levies, the officers certifying them to the recorder shall receive a fee of twenty-five cents to be paid by the party interested and taxed in the costs of the case.

For serving summons, notice, or other paper provided for in sections 5309.02 to 5310.21 of the Revised Code, the sheriff or other officer shall receive the same fees as in other similar cases.

The recorder shall receive the following fees, to include base fees for services and housing trust fund fees pursuant to section 317.36 of the Revised Code:

(A) For original registration of title, issuing duplicate certificate, entering memorials and memorandums, as directed by the decree, and indexing it, a base fee of thirty dollars and a housing trust fund fee of thirty dollars;

(B) For examining and registering each transfer of registered land, including the filing of all papers therewith, entering memorials, issuing new duplicate certificate of title and indexing it, a base fee of thirty dollars and a housing trust fund fee of thirty dollars for the first distinct body or parcel of land contained in such certificate, and a base fee of two dollars and a housing trust fund fee of two dollars for each additional distinct body or parcel of land contained in such certificate;

(C) For filing, examining, and entering a memorial of each mortgage or lease, upon registered land, and indexing it, for each separately registered parcel, a base fee of ten dollars and a housing trust fund fee of ten dollars;

(D) For filing, examining, and entering a memorial of each lien, charge, or demand upon registered land, and indexing it, for each separately registered parcel of land, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars;

(E) For cancellation of any memorial or memorandum, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars; for entry of change of address, or notice of dower, for each separately registered parcel, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars;

(F) For each certified copy of a registered certificate, or issuing a mortgagee's duplicate certificate, or issuing a new owner's duplicate certificate to replace one which has been lost or destroyed, a base fee of fifteen dollars and a housing trust fund fee of fifteen dollars;

(G) For filing, examining, and entering a memorial of each release, assignment, or waiver of priority of a mortgage, lease, lien, charge, or demand upon registered land and indexing it, for each separately registered parcel, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars;

(H) For filing, examining, and entering a memorial of each official certificate of pending suit, judgment, lien, attachment, execution, or levy, upon registered land and indexing it, for each separately registered parcel, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars;

(I) For continuing an owner's duplicate certificate, or mortgagee's duplicate certificate and entering and certifying memorials and notations thereon, a base fee of five dollars and a housing trust fund fee of five dollars;

(J) For certificate as to taxes and special assessments, for each separately registered parcel, a base fee of ten dollars and a housing trust fund fee of ten dollars;

(K) For filing, recording, and indexing any papers or instruments other than those provided in this section, any certified copy of record, or of any instrument on file in the recorder's office, the same fees allowed by law for like services;

(L) For issuing subpoenas and notices and swearing witnesses, the same fees allowed the clerk for like services.

Costs as provided in this section may be taxed and by the court ordered to be paid by the parties in such manner as is just.

Effective Date: 08-01-2003 .